Lafayette Acting + Singing Info

Drama Club
Lafayette's interest in acting more or less stems from his enjoyment in playing make believe games as a kid and even into middle/high school. (? I guess.) He joined the drama club his freshman year of high school, and has participated in many of the various plays/etc that go on throughout the year. Northwest High School (the Nerdy and Jock school) also does a musical every year, which he ends up participating in for every year of his high school career. WOO HOO! Here's the sweet roles he's gotten:
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My musical repertoire is pretty limited, sorry;;; But yeah, freshman year he was Dorothy Shaw from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, junior year (when Nerdy and Jock starts) he's Rizzo from Grease, and senior year he's Velma Von Tussel from Hairspray. Honestly... I just chose these roles b/c they seemed like roles that Lafayette would like.......... Idk, I imagine his favorite kind of character to play is "Hot Chick from the 1950's". (???????) He also tends to like villain characters, and just characters where he can be over the top with his acting in general. I feel like he usually gets cast as the "lead sidekick" kind of character, because lead characters tend to be too straightforward for him (??? vague, idk what that's supposed to mean.)

Sophomore year he got banned from any leading roles in the plays and musicals for misbehaving, so he just played some random background character. He's actually still on probation (?) for part of Nerdy and Jock--him getting Rizzo for the musical comes as a surprise to him. He got put on probation because he ruined a production by breaking character during a performance to go off on some dude in the crowd who was being a jerk to him. (???) I feel like I've mentioned this before. :^0 But yeah, the drama director just didn't want to have to deal with his unpredictability during performances, so Lafayette's just been stuck with smaller roles for the time being. Honestly, I don't think he's particularly mad about being put on probation, but he's also not sorry for acting up.

As a kind of side note, Lafayette gets assigned both male and female roles, but it's usually kind of harder for him to get lead male roles because of his height (5'2). He's shorter than a lot of girls in drama, too:
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...But yeah. I feel like he gets cast as child characters a lot of the time. :m

As far as his relationship with the people in drama club goes, he knows everyone on on the team, but he's not really close friends with anyone because he's too hard to deal with and not very outwardly kind. I feel like the drama people have a kind of respect for him though because he always goes all out for his roles, even if he's assigned something pointless. Idk if this is canon, but at the moment I'm imagining that Lafayette makes most of his costumes himself because he's particular about accuracy and detail or something. (??) But idk if I wanna make that canon b/c... could Lafayette actually sew.... I do know that he goes out of his way to buy pointlessly expensive things for props/costumes for productions, though. life for Rizzo, he buys some expensive vintage underwear so he can get his silhouette to look right. (Also, this is irrelevant and idk if this is weird to talk about, but Laf basically wears bras all the time. His bottoms of choice are boxers, tho. POINTLESS AWKWARD INFORMATION...)

But yeah, even though people respect him, he's also extremely prideful and can be a little bossy b/c he's very particular about how he wants productions to be performed. :v So in that sense... Lafayette probably ticks some/a lot of people off...... B);;; Luckily, starting junior year Dmitri and Lafayette have ~*~reconnected~*~ or whatever, so Dmitri starts to visit the drama club more often which helps keep Lafayette in line during rehearsals.

But yeah, that's about all the info I have on him in terms of what he does in drama club. :m