Pointless SteGabe Talk

Hey guys, happy new year! Sorry I've been kind of absent these past couple days (if you've even noticed AHA;;;). I've been kind of sick this week... which has been my excuse for everything. BAD EXCUSE, BUT WHATEVER. MOST EXCUSES ARE BAD ONES, MAYBE.
But yeah. I still have to reply to comments, and there were things I wanted to comment on... I'll try to get around to those things, soon.

But yeah. This started out as a life post thing, but then I just started ranting about this because IT'S SO FRUSTRATING AND IDK WHAT TO DO! THIS IS MOSTLY JUST ME TALKING TO MYSELF ABOUT STEFAN AND GABE TO HELP SITUATE MY BRAIN. I GUESS YOU CAN READ IF YOU WANT! :^D
and yup.


But yeah. When I'm drawing Stefan and Gabe (and some of my other characters), I sometimes keep in mind where along their timeline the thing I'm drawing of them is... Usually I'm pretty vague with Stefan and Gabe, with "pre-dating" and "while-dating" being my main points in time. BUT FOR SOME REASON, I NEVER NOTICED THAT I DON'T HAVE A CONCRETE POINT IN TIME FOR "THE REAL GET TOGETHER OF THIS STEGABE THING."
Why have I not bothered to address this? AKIOH, WHY? I've never really sat down and thought hard about their legitimate get together! :I
For pre-dating Stefan and Gabe I have a I have a variety of what I consider "canon" scenes/scenarios/whatever of how Stefan and Gabe get closer to one another that range from normal conversations to friendship-y stuff to almost too romantic (ie: corny) not to be dating. (?????) Because of that, I guess I never really thought about one of them explicitly asking the other out because I'm just kinda like "Oh yeah, that's how they got closer to each other" with these other things.
/Maybe one day I will make a purely Stefan and Gabe series, aside from OFAV and not 4-panel comics. That way I can keep all the real mushy SteGabe crap out of OFAV....

Okay, the truth is, I do have a really old scenario(ish) that I came up with in like 2011/2012-ish about how Stefan and Gabe start dating. But.
They're just so
BLULSDJFA! And I can't take them seriously. The scenario went something like Gabe coming over to Stef's place to tell Stef how he threw away his life of SEX AND DEBAUCHERY (DAH-NAH!) for Stefan, and Stefan is deeply moved to tears and is like, "~*~Oh baby I'll date you now~*~"
/???? Something like that.
(Oh yeah, I kind of forget to mention these days, but pre-dating Gabe has a couple of friends that he sleeps with. The only one I actually talk about is Danny.)

My problems with this are:
1) Gabe's just accommodating to whatever Stefan wants, in this scenario.
For a while, I've decided that I don't want Stefan and Gabe to be "bad boy turns good for good boy" or "good boy turns bad when livin' it up with bad boy" kinds of things. Or something. I want there to be a bit of change in the both of them, or at least they get exposure to and attempt to understand a lifestyle different from their own. Like they bring each other closer to some middle point, rather than Gabe bringing Stefan to the left, or Stefan bringing Gabe to the right. In the original scenario, it just seems like Stefan is bringing Gabe over to the right. Which is just eh for me...

2) I don't want Gabe's sex life to be such a determining factor in the establishment of Stefan and Gabe's relationship. OR SOMETHING? IDK! Stefan and Gabe take a little while to warm up to each other as both friends and romantic interests... The fact that Gabe has causal sex and is flirty with people isn't the only reason for that, I feel like Stefan personal aversion for dating and love in general (not just sex) has just as much of a role. Even when they become close as friends, I don't know if Stefan would ask Gabe out or agree to date Gabe even if Gabe didn't have casual sex. It's like... I feel like I should address how Stefan comes to terms with dating and romance, too, not just have Gabe be like, "GUESS WHAT STEF, NO MORE FWBs. NOW DATE ME, BRO."
That said, I do intend to address Gabe having some sort of mixed feelings in himself, regarding that he like Stefan and has sex with other guys at the same time... but idk, it'd probably be best if his resolution to that would happen before the "SteGabe Get Together," rather than to have it coincide with it. Also because Danny's a part of that whole deal. Idk, it seems like something Gabe has to deal with himself, and that Danny has to deal with Gabe, rather than something Stefan has to come into. And it wouldn't be so abrupt, either.
Such a blob of text this is.

3) I want to have it be something more casual. I don't mind having drama in stories, but idk... Is asking someone out actually dramatic....?
I mean, I wouldn't know. Maybe it is. But I would rather draw something more casual or at least lighthearted and warm, than dramatic (?) like this. And I don't think Stefan would cry if Gabe asks him out.

And other stuff. I was kind of thinking I might want Stefan to ask Gabe out... but whatevz.

Idk, I'm just confused about what I want to do with this. TO BE HONEST, I don't really know how people in the real world get into steady relationships. Or what you even ask. Does someone go up to one of their friends and just say, "Will you be my girl/boy/whateverfriend?"
Or is it they go on some dates, and then the question?
OR DOES THE QUESTION EVEN HAPPEN??? Do they just keep going on dates and then "WHOOPS, I GUESS WE'RE GOING STEADY hahahah"
Such a mystery to me.
But no, seriously, I have no idea. How does it happen.
IF YOU'RE IN A RELATIONSHIP, IF YOU WANT TO, MAYBE ENLIGHTEN ME HOW THE ACTUAL "ASKING OUT" THING HAPPENED. IT WOULD REALLY HELP ME.... I only have chick flicks and shoujo/bl manga to go off of, which are all basically the same as far as how the "asking out" happens. orz I need some new data.
/idk what up IDK

...yeah, I guess that's this post. AHA. ;U;/
