OFAV: Preview Panel

I'm going to actually try and make OFAV look nice from now on!!! 8D;;;; one thing that I thought would be a good idea to make OFAV look nicer is to ink and color it panel by panel. Usually I do the inking of the strip all at once, and then color it all at once... but I think doing one panel at a time will make me focus on the quality more easily. This panel took a good 2 and a half hours to ink and color, though. Weeehhhh. ""orz THAT'S... a pretty long time. But the fact that I usually rush with my comics really shows in the other OFAV strips, though. THE INKING IS JUST... HORRIBLE... And the coloring hasn't been that great. Meh.
BUT CHECKITOUT, GUYS!! I think I finally have a skin tone that works for Kasey!! 8D

I'm also going to start using this harder lead pencil to do pre-sketches for the strips, which'll help me sketch faster and keep the strip cleaner, I think. 8D I actually managed to sketch the next strip pretty quickly today.
/irrelevant information

MAYBE WITH THESE NEW COMIC-ING TECHNIQUES (?), I WILL UPDATE OFAV MORE!! I actually really do want to, though. My goal this summer is to update OFAV like... EVERY WEEK. ;u; It'd be cool to finally see the story (?) rolling! Who knows if that'll actually happen, though;;;

Anyway, good night people! :9
