Hey guys! It's V.B back with another world! this is my second world and i hope all you like it! i am a fan girl of yaoi and i am making this world to share my love! if you like Loveless(another yaoi show! my fave!) then check out my Loveless Club world! XD! now go forth and spred the random Yaoi-ness!

* Loveless(<3)
* Jounjo Romantica
* Jounjo Romantica 2
* Sukishyo(<3)
* Gravitation!
* Gawken Heaven
* Papa to kiss in the dark(i didn't like this one very much...)

and i am sure there are a lot more...but i will post other stuff from anime too. Enjoy friends!

srry if i am affending anyone with this video...thought it was funny. OH! and by the way, i didn't make it. Give all ur love to maiyakiyo from Youtube. thanx you! you rock!XD!

Anyone who wants to be a guest poster has to be a yaoi fan and willing to post!! but all fans are welcome!

Guest Posters:
*Eiri Yuki's Lover!!
*Moonlight Riku




one of my favorite pairings and i'm sure you'll all agree that mello should be with matt!!


Lavi glomp!!!!

watch teh glompage!!!

here's a better one!!


the guy with the eyepatch is sexy...what's he from??



*awkward shuffled figget* i like these two together...*blush*



I know that V.B absolutley hates these two together and i understand that, i really do. and it's because of that fact that i like putting these things up because in her time of leave here...the scary nurse won't let her attack anyone. SO!! Tyki is fucking rad. I fucking love this guy!!!!! his white side rox man!!so whithout ferther adue (?) here's the most fucking awesome pairing that V.B (prince akira) hates!!!!
