
Ok, I named this post Rant. If people want to read it they click it, if they don't like rants, no use annoying them. I just want to spill my nerves somewhere....

I am FED UP. I can't take this anymore. I. Am. Going. Mental. I can't take it any...more...Breathe, you have to breathe...Why does it always pile up like this?! Thanks to my roomies, half of my year has been hell! It's like I have three devils in my room plotting to destroy me mentally...There hasn't been ONE time where I could sleep to my heart's content. I always get woken up by yells, screams, slammed dishes, loud music, guests that talk so loud they can wake the dead, loooooong conversations over the phone, or just waking me up like "Oh, I thought you overslept!" NO, if there's no alarm ringing naturally it means I don't have a fixed hour I need to get up at --> LET ME SLEEP! And people wonder how I can survive with 5 hours of sleep a day...well, let's just say I don't have a choice...

Secondly, I am a creative person, I need silence every now and then and not having my brains blown out with music I don't like. It's hard to focus when their speakers are bouncing off the table because of the sheer number of decibels. And let's just say headphones don't help when you end up blowing your brains out with your OWN music just to cover theirs...And I can't freaking leave the room because of the cable monster and its brain *tugs at pile of cables and the PC attached* And to top it all off, the "brain" fried! Before this, I was fixing everyone's tech problems and all of a sudden technology starts hating me...If it weren't for my friend lending me laptop for a couple of weeks I would've been dead. She deserves a statue.

Now, ever had roomies/family members that you had the suspicion were pigs in another life? Well let me tell you, pigs are clean compared to this. And worst part is they're girls...How did their mothers bear with them back home?? The table is CONSTANTLY piled with dirty dishes, left overs, empty packages and God knows what else...and what pisses me off is that I always clean after myself and it ticks me off to want to eat and not have what to eat in or what to eat with...where to eat is out of discussion...I'm finding myself going out to eat more and more because my lovely darlings keep eating all my food. I've started making food close to wasabi so that I'm the only one in the room that can eat it...

I'm finding my temper gauge slowly going up. Every day something adds to it. I am a mild, calm person that enjoys life. It's really hard to piss me off but they somehow manage to do it. I bear and bear and bear some more but when they cross the limit things won't be pretty...Just today I woke up and found the courses that I had worked all night to write STAINED with GREASE. And who did it? Apparently the fourth floor neighbour since the dorm only has three floors...They don't realize how lucky they are that I'm such a good tempered person because if I DO hit them, I'll poster them to the wall...

I have three more idiotic exams to go through in this idiotic college...One might think that the purpose of college is to make the passage to the grownup life thus implying a migration to the more PRACTICAL part. No. Our college, as our whole country as a matter of fact, likes to practice the crab way of doing things...going BACKWARDS and making us study useless theory and killing our neurons in the process. I find it really hard to study a 100 sheet stack of paper worth of theory then repeat it like a blasted parakeet! That is NOT studying. Hell I don't think 80 year old geezers can be called university teachers either...death's looking for them at home and they're hanging around at school.

And to top my situation off, I have yet to get a job and if I don't get one in exactly four days then I'll have to go back home for the summer. Ain't that nice? Going back to the rotten dead end of a city that you call your hometown? Where stray dog packs threaten to eat you up if you round a wrong corner and mobsters cutting you up or doing God knows what else? What a lovely summer I'm gonna have, dying of heat exhaustion at 45 degrees Celsius....*head/desks* I need a serious vacation after this...

Well, I feel better now...somewhat...I saw the card in the post below. It reminded me of all my friends that keep telling me to hang in there and keep encouraging me and that made me smile. I have great friends and I hope they know how great they are to me. If you managed to get all the way here then congratulations! *laughs*

OK! Optimism switch back on! Happy thoughts! *smiles* Have fun and keep smiling! That's what I always say!
