Going through reports...

Hey guys!!

Just an update regarding some stuff with theOtaku (well...more like an update for me).
I'm now helping out with reports that Otaku's have reported over the past...year (maybe more)! xD

I know reports are an issue, but I'll do my best regarding them.
I just want to let you know: there is always a valid reason why I delete a work. I do take the time to read the report, find evidence (if it's a trace) and just personal judgement. I don't delete stuff because I don't like you, but moreso, we, as a community want to make this website a better place for artists :)

You are all welcome to come and discuss any concerns with me, cause lol, I don't bite xD

Also!! If you have time, please consider joining the fan art SS event that Mangakid and I are hosting this year (you'll find other events on our homepage): LINK

Take care~! :D
