Welcome, friends! This is basically my life update world, where I pour all the crap going on in my life at the moment. I don't expect people to give this place much attention, to be honest. Well, make yourself at home, anyway!

How wimpy am I?

I can't read shoujo manga without getting emotional XD My reactions are really silly! I can't help it! It's too cute! And, I'm just a big softy! XD

Really, shoujo manga will be the death of me!
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(Btw, I'm reading Hana to Akuma. HOLY CRAP THE FEELS!!)


My dad just told me I need to take responsibility for myself, and I sat in my room and cried. I'm confused as to why. Why did something he always tells me making me cry this time? Is it because I'm already try so hard to do that? I'm struggling with so much right now, and I really don't believe my dad understands that. Ugh, I have a headache now.

Some Happy Stuff c:

Well, most of the time I post sad/negative stuff on here, so here's some happy stuff! It snowed/sleeted/hailed yesterday - and I mean like non-stop. It was banaynays. But, today, my nephew got to play in it before he went home!

There he is c: He's two!
Isn't he adorable? His name is Kaden c:

Also, I downloaded this free art program called FireAlpaca, and it's amazing! It's perfect for me, who uses a mouse, because I can hold shift, and click to make straight lines ;w; and if you do ctrl + alt and drag your mouse pointer, it changes the brush size! The canvas is a bit small, but I'm okay with that.
You can get it here, and I recommend you do! I have't drawn anything with it yet, because I'm still in the "messing around and getting acquainted" stages, but I'll certainly post what I do draw!
That's about it for now. c:

Happy Birthday TO MEEE~!!

Today is my birthday~!! Who wants some cake?
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Just now, my nephew - my brother's two-year-old son - was hitting me with his toys. His hard, plastic toys. I told my brother,"Tell him to stop!" because it hurt. His reply? "You do it."
I can't even convey how mad I am right now. I'm so fed up with his bull. He insists that I don't have to babysit if I don't want to - and I do mean insists - but then gets mad when I take him up on that offer. WHAT DOES HE WANT ME TO DO?! I've tried reasoning with him, but he ALWAYS has to be right! I can never win with him!