Hello! This is my World...Here is where I will post my thoughts and stuff like that!!! If anything is labled a "Rant" thats what it is me going on and on about somthing I love or hate!!!!

Find me elsewhere on the net!
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/solongdreamworld
Pm me for my DA!

If you drop me a pm on DA or youtube letting me know you're from TheO I will absolutely make sure to connect to you!!!

I Colored Again...

Hahaha Anyone sick of my coloring yet?
lol I wouldn't be surprised if people were... It seems like thats all I do...
But I LOVE it soooooooo much! Its fuuuuun!!!

So yeah beneath is the video of this wallpaper

Check it out! http://www.theotaku.com/wallpapers/view/227850/toxic
This was a much faster coloring than the last video I shared. This one was only about... an hour or so total.
From a series I love Akumetsu! Bloody, political, economy goodness! And incidentally was the manga that got me really interested in politics, yes thats right I have manga to thank for my desire to educate myself. lol

In other news...
Nothing really... I can't think of anything... I am dead tired and should really be asleep right now...
Forgive my many typos I am sure this has...

Tomorrow I think I'm gunna go texture hunting with my camera so that should be interesting.
