Hello! This is my World...Here is where I will post my thoughts and stuff like that!!! If anything is labled a "Rant" thats what it is me going on and on about somthing I love or hate!!!!

Find me elsewhere on the net!
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/solongdreamworld
Pm me for my DA!

If you drop me a pm on DA or youtube letting me know you're from TheO I will absolutely make sure to connect to you!!!

Color Lists and Pain!

Hey all! Sorry I’ve been woefully inactive lately!

This is for a few reasons… Partially being busy, partially working on other side projects, but a big reason is my carpel tunnel being just awful lately. My arm up yp my shoulder gets painful shooting spasms and tingly numbness.
I’ve learned how to do most things on my computer with just my off hand. (Like right now, typing shockingly fast for just one non dominate hand) However I can’t do complicated photoshop left handed. Even the thing I’m including below I had to cheat and use both hands.

Anyways, I expect to be up and running soon and there are sooooo many scans I want to color!!!! AH! I wanna color right now dang it!

Oh well… sooooooooon.

So I thought I’d share some of the scans in my “manga to color” folder!
I f you think one of these is especially cool drop a comment and I’ll try to do it first!

Also if you have a manga scan or personal art you want to see colored post me a link! I’m always open to requests or trades or what have you. (I don’t require a trade for a coloring tho lol )

Thanks all!


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Thanks & Progress!

First off I want to thank everybody for the birthday wishes! YAY!
It means a lot you took the time to comment on my portfolio/gave a gift!!!

Secondly, I want to say Well guess I haven't posted a world post in awhile...
^^;; I'm s awesome on top of things! I swear!

And lastly I want to share my in progress manga scan coloring! (Cause why not!)
Feel free to leave input on the coloring! I always love advice/suggestions!
Also this is... a like 35% finished coloring... that means I have most of the basic colors down but no effects of anything fancy or cool that makes it awesome yet...
So yeah!
Hope you all enjoy seeing what a mess it looks like before a good spit shine!!!

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Amvs, Requests, Life


XxArrancarFanxX gave me their oh so wonder list of scans! <3 And while I slowly work my way through those scans (Some I like but need to figure out how to do…) I am still open for requests! Woot! So if you want a wallpaper made, comment here or send me a pm! Heck, I'll color something for you to use in a wallpaper if you really want.
I feel like I haven't mentioned it enough, but some of my colorings are totally available without backgrounds and I'll send pngs without backgrounds by request. Sadly only the newer ones, and only ones with simple backgrounds… but there you go. I should really just compile a list of which ones they are… They're mostly ones where I am not happy with the back ground I made so I don't mind if other people want to try their hand at them. Dang I should really just put together a list with my handful of rules….

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Other than that I realized that I don't think I've ever posted one of my amvs here on TheO… Which is crazy cause I love doing convention contests and al that jazz. I have yet to win one, next year shall be my year!!! >~<
But I have played a a few cons. Which makes me happy. ^_^
Heck I'm constantly looking for test subjects people to give me feedback on rough cuts.
So if I can force anyone wants to… XD

So here's my most resent amv that I made for, and played at Fanime 2014!

Have a nice day!

Wallpapering: No lines!

Hey all!

As those of you who have followed me for awhile know… I love coloring manga scans! soooooo very very much!
I even take requests!
So feel free to drop me a pm if you've got a scan you wanna see in color!

A while back I shared what some of my colored wallpapers look like without the lines of the scan. Personally I think its pretty cool to see what it looks like without the manga tones and lines! Show how much work I did… XD

Also would anyone be interested in a coloring tutorial for Photoshop?
I'd make one if there's people interested but if not, I'll just sleep in later. XD So let me know if you'd be interested in that.

Anyways I decided to share some of my lintless colorings!
Anyhoo! Here they are! Check out my portfolio to see the finished wallpapers!
Have an awesome day/night!

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A little feedback?

Hey all!

I've been working on this coloring and I could use a bit of feedback on the color choices and such.
I'm coloring this picture as a personal challenge and I want it to look as cool as possible! ^-^

So what do you think?
I'm not sure about the blue at the bottom yet... (those astronaut guys)
I'm also debating adding more texture to the egg sack. (not a sentance I get to write everyday! lol)

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Here's the scan I'm using for anyone curious....

Anyhoo, I plan to finish this up sometime tomorrow afternoon so if there's a link to the wallie under this I've finished already. ^^

