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Animated Music Videos! (you haven't seen!)

Hey all!
Its been awhile since I’ve done any kinda blog post and I figured this would be a good little post to make!

I’m guessing since you’re on this site you like animation, and I figured most people like music! So here are some AWESEOME animated music videos you (probably) have never seen or heard of!
So there’s not gonna be any really famous vids here! Which I'm defining as less than 2 million views.

Not in any particular order!
ok! This song is Tais Toi Mon Coeur by Dionysos Ft. Olivia Ruiz. This song/video has a long pretty interesting little history. It is related to the French animated movie Jack and the Cuckoo Clock Heart. This song however is not in the movie. As far as I can tell this video was made before the movie because the band are friends with the man who wrote the book the film is based off!


When I Was Done Dying by Dan Deacon was produced by Cartoon Network for one of their late night surprise videos. Of all the music videos on this list, this is the one you’ve most likely see. (with one and a half million views) A collaboration between several prominate animators. It is awesome.

CRUISR - All Over. How this video only has half a million views I shall never understand! Packed with movie references and smooth animation its really fun to watch!

Somewhere Else by FRED. This is a band and song I’d be SHOCKED is any but me has heard of. I really like this video. Its deceptively simple but very colorful and soothing!

FML by K.Flay is maybe a bit on the nose with its metaphors about alcohol addiction but still REALLY cool, coloring and fun!

The Rifle’s Spiral by The Shins. I love stop motion and this song! VERY awesome music video!

Let me know what you think, if you've ever seen any of these before, and if you know of any other good ones!!
