Hello! This is my World...Here is where I will post my thoughts and stuff like that!!! If anything is labled a "Rant" thats what it is me going on and on about somthing I love or hate!!!!

Find me elsewhere on the net!
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/solongdreamworld
Pm me for my DA!

If you drop me a pm on DA or youtube letting me know you're from TheO I will absolutely make sure to connect to you!!!

Not Even a Letter Left Behind

SHORT EXPLAINATION: My uncle killed himself in March of this year... The following is the peom I wrote just a little while ago, I decided against posting the one I wrote right after it happened...
Thank you for reading this rant like non-ryhming poem!!!


I see the gloves removed from hands,
Lain on your grave,
I am back to when you gave me my 16th birthday gift,
Ah the irony,
My first gun,
An offer to learn from you,
A relationship we never had before,
And now your brothers are crying,
And my mother,
Your sister,
Is putting a note in your grave.

And my grandmother is sobbing,
I can imagine the moment of your death,
How you must’ve felt,
Not even a letter left,
As you took the gun,
To your head,
And shot yourself,
In your own mother’s house,
In the room across from her bed,
Oh how your mother must have felt,
When she found you in your room.

You’re the one that taught me,
All the little things,
About pool and gambling,
And as I remember your face,
I feel as though,
I am back in my room,
Being told that you died,
And that they didn’t know why,
Then later that day,
Realizing that that was a lie.

I promised I’d never cry another tear for you,
And as I stand here at your funeral,
Trying to keep it all inside,
Trying to hold it together for my grandma,
For my mom,
All as I watch,
The future as I view it,
Cruelly get covered with dirt,
On a sunny day,
And I think how much I hate you,
Even as my heart aches.

Even now months later,
It still hurts,
I see the effect it has had on my family,
And I can’t help but to wonder why,
My grandma still hears your steps,
Walking down the hall at night,
She’s very depressed,
We all miss you,
We all hate you,
We all love you,
I don’t think,
That we will ever,
Ever forgive you.

Where I am Now

Hey it's been awhile!
The below is a short story and (sadly) based off of my own life. *sigh*
Where I live now....


I Illegally cross the street to get to my room on the second floor of an old, three story, cement building. I can hear a police siren off in the distance. Loud screaming music plays from an open window on another building nearly pressed up against the one I call home. I turn off of the sidewalk down some stairs littered with discarded cigarettes. I turn into the roofed area protecting the staircase. There I can see rusted pipes. I climb the metal staircase. There are spilt french fries and a puddle from which come wet little footprints of a rat or maybe a raccoon. I reach the seconded floor landing and put my key card up to the scanner. The door beeps and then clicks. I let myself in and walk down the hall towards my room. There is a group of guys talking to the girl who lives across the hall. I mutter, “excuse me” as I push past them and fiddle with the key in the lock. The door swings open with a creak and I close it again once I’m inside with an unintentional BANG. It’s hot and stuffy in the room and I walk past three beds in our small space to get to the window. I wrestle for a moment with the blinds before getting them to stay up. I lift the lock on the window and swing the glass pane out. I see an ant and kill it. As I lean out my screen less window at the dirty ground below I can’t help but think,
“Man, I live in a bit of a slum.”

So-called Useless Things

Title: (So-called Useless Things
Series: original
Characters: An OC... Completely made up by me...

“Lovely little letters sitting on the desk,
looking forward to tomorrow,
not on looking back.”

That tiny quote was craved into the tree across the street from my house. I had always wondered who wrote that.
Who writes on trees anyways?

I suppose it’s for the sense of permanency it gives. It makes the person feel as though they will live on through the words—Their words.
I think that’s what’s behind all graffiti…

I was told once that I shouldn’t spend my time thinking about unnecessary things.
When I replied I believe I implied some improper things about their mother and upbringing. Then I proceeded into the world of philosophy.

My studies brought me great joy.
The people telling me I was wasting my talents caused me great grief.
I must admit I told them off in a most improper tone…

At any rate, I finished school.
Only to find that there were so few jobs for a philosophy major that it was practically an unknown!

And so, I decided ordinary life was over rated.

And now I walk down the row,
with all the world,
with it’s many trees,
on which to scribble,
many so-called useless things.

Word Limit: 200
Word Count: 199

The End of the World

This my first fan word contest entry... IT was written with the image of two men sitting calmly eating cake with the end of the world visable through the window...
Thank you for viewing!

This story is down for fixing!
I am planning to persue it further by way of film!

Thank you for your understanding,

Yellow Flowers and Vassalord

I put some yellow flowers in my room today, they make my whole room smell of flowers! I like them!

I am hoping to type up/fix up an old vampire story I wrote last year... Right now its hand written and the pencil writing is fading so I figure I better type it up now before it completely fades... *laughs*

*smiles* I've been thing of starting a new world for reviewing somewhat obscure manga...(like Shikeisyu 042, Apple and Boys Next Door)What do you think? Yay or nay?

I recently learned how to make animations on photoshop!!! O.o
*evil laugh* Nothing can stop me now!!!!!!!
So I animated my avie! and I made a moving avie for my friend, and I made a little Vassalord advertisement.
I want to share it! ^^
Its made in the stlye of the ads you see on the sides of TheO... Silent pic animation, with text and dramatic scenes!!! (lol)
ThO won't lent me post it here (takes up too much space...) So just follow the link!
