A private post

Filled with people you don't know....

First off, here's the quiz.

Secondly, these are the people I normally ate lunch with. My boyfriend's friends.

1. Does Ed make you hot?
Yes, actually. He's my boyfriend.

2. What's Justin to you?
Incredibly mean

3. Have you dreamt of Stephen before?
Yes, I think I have. It was nothing inappropriate, I'm sure.

4. What would you do if Alejandro confessed love to you?
Love of what? Burritos, violence? Young women? None of this surprises me.

5. What do you think of Nick?
He looks much older than he is

6. What's your fondest memory of JC?
I can't stand the boy. My fondest memories are thankfully lacking of him.

7. Would you open a mystery gift TomTom just gave you, without much hesitation?
Oh gawd. The boy is strange, but mostly harmless. I'd open it after I affirmed that it was, in fact, for me.

8. What if you found out that Sam was secretly an alien plotting to take over the world together with Justin?
Well, seeing as Sam's an alien plotting to take over my boyfriend's pants, and Justin is power-hungry, this would only be unexpected in that Sam is completely useless.

9. What's your fondest memory of Benjamin?
We had a very interesting conversation regarding the boiling--and subsequent consumption-- of human appendages. It is very hard for me to take part in conversation with anyone without being off-put. He manages to entertain me and stimulate my clever reflex. And he takes everything I say in stride.

10. What's your fondest memory of Jayson?
gee, none stick out right now. He visits me at work, and that's usually nice.

Might as well Quickly Update

I finally finally caught Rayquaza. haha, I motivated myself by deciding I couldn't have lunch until it was caught. Named it ROGER. Oh, I hate calling the genderless 'it'. I will heretofore in my posts ignore gender specifications at my own will, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!
muahahaha. Wow, it's late.

I saw Up today, fabulous movie. But some bits were too scary. And the entire thing was very sad. I'd hate to ruin it for anyone, but a character suffers with something I've personally grown to dread. To fear greatly, that is.
