
Well on the first weekend of school I have homework from 1 class and that class is Intro to Health and Science... and apparently that is the only class that gave any. Other then that my school year is starting off on an ok foot. dont you just hate it though when you and your friends have barely or NO classes together!... so what about you? how has your school year starting off?

I Know How He Feels!

You know you think the doctors would figure out that most kids ARE scared of clowns... they look really creepy after all! and the doll story REALLY CREEPY!

Loving Fans!

Just wanted to thank everyone who has subscribed to me and my anime! i often get bored and decided to edit anime images or just read manga online. Feel free to message me anytime about anything! I love making new friends after all!
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funny vampire academy quotes!!! XD

"Great-Aunt. And I'm her favorite great nephew. Well I'm her only great nephew, but that's not important. I'd still be her favorite," Adrian, Shadow Kiss

"Oh my God. A kind word from Rose Hathaway, I can die a happy man." Adrian
"What are you saying that I'm normally an ungrateful bi*ch." silence "Hey! Not cool." -Rose, Shadow Kiss

"If you want some advice-which I'm sure you don't-you guys should lay off on the magic. Christian still thinks your moving in on Lissa." -Rose
"What? Doesn't he know that my heart belongs to you?" -Adrian
"It does not. And no, he's still worried about it, despite what I've told him." -Rose
" You know, I bet if we started making out right now, it would make him feel better." -Adrian
"If you touch me, I'll provide you with the opportunity to see if you can heal yourself. Then we'd see how b.a. you really are." -Rose, Shadow Kiss

"You did not just say that. I have the feeling were on the verge of hugging and coming up with cute nicknames for each other." -Christian
"I already have a nickname for you, but I'll get n trouble if I say it in class." - Rose, Shadow Kiss

"I'm not jealous I'm just-" -Christian
"-feeling insecure over the fact that your girlfriend is spending a lot of time with a rich and reasonably cute guy. Or, as we like to call it, jealous." -Rose, Shadow Kiss

"Are you kidding? He's arrogant, sarcastic, likes to intimidate people, and" – oh. Okay. Maybe she had a point.- Rose, Blood Promise

"What's up?"- Rose
You tell me," he said. "You were the one about ready to start making out with Adrian." -Christian
It was an experiment," I said. "It was part of my therapy."- Rose
What the hell kind of therapy are you in?"-Christian, Shadow Kiss

"What’s your name?" - Dr. Olendzki
“what?" -Rose
“your name."- Dr. Olendzki
you know my name." - Rose
I want you to tell me." – Dr. Olendzki
Rose. Rose Hathaway."- Rose
Do you know your birthday?" – Dr. Olendzki
Of course I do. Why are you asking me such stupid things? Did you lose my records?" - Rose
Dr. Olendzki gave an exasperated sigh and walked off “I think she's fine”- Dr. Olendzki, Frostbite

"You know what would help?"- Rose
"Hmm?" – Dimitri
"If you turned off this crap music and put on something that came out after the Berlin Wall went down." - Rose.
"Your worst class is history, yet somehow, you know everything about Eastern Europe."- Dimitri
"Hey, gotta have material for my jokes, Comrade." -Rose
Still smiling, he turned the radio dial… To a country station.
"Hey! This isn't what I had in mind”- Rose
"Pick. It's one or the other."- Dimitri
"Go back to the 1980s stuff." - Rose
He flipped the dial, and I crossed my arms over my chest as some vaguely European-sounding band sang about how video had killed the radio star. I wished someone would kill this radio.

"By the way, my name's Rose Hathaway. I'm seventeen years old, training to protect and kill vampires, in love with a completely unsuitable guy, and have a best friend whose weird magic could drive her crazy.
Hey, no one said high school was easy."- Rose, Frostbite

if you know anymore funny quotes from vampire academy go ahead and comment!!!

new vampire knight pics!

well i've re watching vampire knight series on youtube... haha aido is so funny! I've been able to get some new pics of vampire knight i hope you like them!!! plz comment on them!