Type Specialties and Power Limitations

Most Halflings can access one to a few extra powers that are different from the elemental power that they can draw from their beast side. As a generalization, they usually are helpful while adventuring and less used during combat. While each Halfling is considerably stronger than both humans and the beasts of the land, their abilities do have limitations. I've detailed them here.

Note: dual-types will most likely have the benefit of accessing both sets of abilities, for each typing they have, but their powers might not be as strong. Varies from person to person.
Note: this information may change.

Normal - can help with evolution. know more healing moves. no personality tendencies.
Fire - resistant to fire. does not get cold easily. does not sunburn. exhudes lots of body heat. dehydrate faster than non-fire types, needs extra water. good cooks.
Water - concentrate to purify 2-6 gallons of water daily. do not dehydrate easily. can divine hidden water sources. predict rain. intense cold is bad for them. can breathe underwater without gills (magically). have a knack for blood-based medical attention. good fishermen.
Grass - slowly regenerate HP in sun. can concentrate to locate different types of plants in nature. good farmers.
Electric - can sap magic out of enemies. can stimulate the nervous system and brain during medical procedures. can sense lightning storms.
Flying - can see exceptionally far. usually farsighted or slight tunnel vision. reduced sense of smell. extra knowledge of wind patterns and conditions for flying. bird halflings routinely molt. some can use or sell their feathers in fletching.
Fighting - can help with the physical aspect of evolution therapy. knowledge of the muscles and skeletal system, pressure points. can sometimes read auras.
Psychic - telepathic abilities. can help with the evolution process.
Ground - can sense tremors. can concentrate to sense how far away a being is. easily know their current elevation. can sense basic rocks/stones nearby. good architects. good miners.
Rock - can sense ores, stones. good architects. good miners.
Steel - always know which direction magnetic and true north is, as well as other directions. water is detrimental to them over time. usually need to carry oil or etc.
Ice - resistant to cold. exhudes a cold aura. food preservation. can help necromancy by keeping corpses cold.
Dark - good lowlight vision. undetectable by psychics.
Fairy - resistant to illusions.
Dragon - naturally proud. underestimate others.
Bug - can concentrate to shed physical status ailments. good farmers.
Poison - resistant to poisoning and disease. antidotes hurt them. use poisons to heal.
Ghost - can become invisible ?# of minutes a day.

General Abilities
Pertain to certain groups of animals. This list is probably going to change after I decide how far each town is from each other.

Flight - for Halflings that can fly using wings, they can go for 30 minutes to 1.5 hours at a time before needing a rest
Telepathy - only between other telepathically inclined. Adepts can reach up to 10?mi away. Masters can reach up to 50?mi away. Average: 7mi radius.
Levitating/Floating - take immense amounts of mental concentration to float high or over long distances.
