It never fails.

I spend forty some minutes outside drawing all up and down my arm so that I won't burst into tears, finally calm down, go inside to my dorm, and, wouldn't you know it, walk in to find an email that I have to get a Dean's Excuse to go to my aunt's baby shower, which is ON A SATURDAY, otherwise I'll lose points for absence.

I was asked to do a little "creative juggling" so I could go to this stupid class trip to the stupid Holocaust Museum, which I thought was just a trip but turns out it's actually counting as a class. Excuse me, my schedule for this class was given to me as Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I didn't think a kinda important baby shower being placed on a Saturday would ever interfere. But it's cool. I guess I'll just abandon my aunt and go to some place where I KNOW I'm going to feel uncomfortable and bawl my eyes out anyway.

And now my arm drawing is smearing. FUCK.

