Homestuck RP?
Have fun.

Xiion's Quadrants

Moirail: Ramiel(?)
Not much is said, but sometimes that's best. Although, usually Ramiel says more then Xiion does most days.

Kismesis: N/A

Auspistice: N/A

Matesprit: Dox
A somewhat awkward matespritship. Xiion gives Dox some of the shells/rocks his lusus brings when she visits, Dox is twisted gleeful, makes odd/interesting sculptures from them while Xiion sits and sketches. It's cute, in a twisted troll kind of way~ Also, Xiion doesn't talk all that much on his own, so Dox pretty much does most(sometimes all) of the talking. Neither one minds that much...

YAY~ It's less empty now :>

lol 'would-be suitors'...
Wanna try wooing him in any of the empty quadrants, go ahead...

Title(s )of your troll(s)? Also Lands too.

Hey guys so i want to know what the titles of everyone's trolls are, you know Heir of Breath, Thief of Light, and all that jazz.
So if you have it picked out please comment here with it! I want to make a list so we have it all sorted out.
These are the ones i have~
Ellizz: Despot of Sea
Dox: Druid of Space
Trynne: Minstrel of Sleep
Xionn: Heir of Darkness
Arrian: Mage of Mind
Johann: Seer of Time
Loc: Witch of Keys
Sayrra: Rogue of Flesh
Ramiel: Maid of Heart

People i don't know!
Maggze: ???

Hope i'm not forgetting anyone? D:

So yup comment if you decided or changed it!
i guess it's first come first serve on the titles or you can just fight to the death for them if two want the same one.
Can't think of a title? Go here, it generates completely random things for titles, chat names, lands, etc. Keep doing it until you like one?

Also Lands! Even though the rp is mostly alternia based we can move it to Sgrub at some point if you guys want, which means i need to know your Lands too.

Ellizz: Land of Wrath and Lightning
Dox: Land of Bridges and Frogs
Trynne: Land of Clouds and Dreams
Ramiel: Land of Heat and Paths
Xiion: Land of Crossroads and Ravens
Johann: Land of Mirrors and Zen
Arrian: Land of Spires and Blaze
Sayrra: Land of Warmth and Ash
Everyone else: ???

Trynne's Quadrants

Moirail: Johann
Johann reminds Trynne about things he needs to do and things in general. He also makes a wonderful pillow. In return Trynne...provides him company other than Arrian???

Kismesis: N/A

Auspistice: N/A

Matesprit: N/A

OTHER: Trynne is currently Auspisticing between Ellizz and Maggze. He is terrible at it but they haven't killed each other so far, so it's okay.

i keep spelling auspistice wrong whoops.

Johann's Quadrants

Moirail: Trynne
Johann actually doesn't mind having to remind Trynne of things almost constantly, it's kind of became part of his routine. Even if he does get used as a pillow. Plus, it gives him less reason to have to deal with Arrian.

Kismesis: Loc
He just doesn't get what her problem with blue-bloods is.

Auspistice: N/A

Matesprit: N/A


Still looking for a Auspisitice, not sure who it'd be yet.

Dox's Quadrants

guess what guys
it's a thing now
totally mandatory
now get to it.

Moirail: Ellizz
Dox's good-natured but relentless teasing to pretty much everyone can at times cause problems(read: getting a boot to the face or something of the sort) so Ellizz must at times intervene and tell the idiot to 'LAYOFFONTHEJOKESIDIOTNOONEFINDSTHEAMUSING.' Also fun fact: Dox has a bad temper. He's good at keeping his cool(or at least faking it), he's learned this by showing Ellizz how to stay calm, which obviously had little effect, but it's the thought that counts.

Kismesis: N/A

Auspistice: N/A

Matesprit: Xiion
A somewhat awkward matespritship. Xiion gives Dox some of the shells/rocks his lusus brings when she visits, Dox is twisted gleeful, makes odd/interesting sculptures from them, Xiion sits and sketches. It's cute, in a twisted troll kind of way~

e ce feel free to try to woo him in the empty quadrants. Pro-tip for any would-be suitors: He loves making artsy stuff out of shells and cool-looking rocks/whatever. So give them to him.