Tagged a first time

Yo. October's almost over! It feels like it was never here!
Ah, the tagging. I wonder who started it back up?
Man, I haven't posted here in a while. Anyways, here's DarkEclipse's tag.

1) What time of day were you born?
Idk. I think it was around 9pm... or something like that.

2)What is your astrological sign?

3)How many people have you talked to today?
Two people, considering how early it is.

4) Why?
Family peeps, you know?

5) What do you like to eat for breakfast?
Something not too sweet...I enjoy steak, egg & cheese sandwiches on english muffins! Fruit or yogurt's good too!

6) Have you ever climbed a mountain?
Nope, and I wouldn't want to! I did have to do a rock-climbing wall before, tho.

7) Have you ever gone skydiving?
Nope, and I would never do it.

8) When was the last time you've fallen?
...a long time ago. I don't even remember. Probably sometime last year.

9) When was the last time you got into a fight, and who won?
The last time I got into a fight was an argument with my sister. Neither of us won >_>.

10) Have you ever broken a bone?

11) Name the closest metal object to you (other than your computer).
My Ipod (music is everything~!), a printer and a laptop.
