Bleach OC

ANIME: Bleach

Name: Tempest Kotone "harp sound"

Age: 19

Height: 5"6

Weight: 160

Eye Color: Left eye is gray, right is purple

Hair Color: Long and blue, kept in a ponytail

Blood Type: AB+

Clothing: Usually a frilly skirt, black shirt, and wears glasses (Lolita style, basically) Or the standard Soul Reaper attire

Occupation: Division 13

Captain: Jūshirō Ukitake

Favorite food: Strawberries

Least favorite food: Onions

Favorite color: Black

Special Being: Shinigami

Outstanding abilities: Can control ice and water with her Zanpakutō
Zanpakutō Name: Nanamikanon
Translation: Nanami-"seven seas" Kanon-"sound"
Bankai Release: Arise, Nanamikanon of the North Star!

Personality Traits: Serious, secretive, perfectionist, sensitive, protective and does what is right.

Bankai: "Nanamikanon" is the name of Tempest's Zanpakuto and is in the shape of a beautiful quarterstaff embedded with sapphires. It is carried sealed but is super-powerful when released by the call, "Arise, Nanamikanon of the North Star!" It has three techniques:

1)It can gather water from the surrounding atmosphere into a cutting blade.

2)It blurs the wielder's appearance, confounding opponents' attempts to target.

3)It is accompanied by the roaring of massive waves, causing terror in foes and granting the Zanpakuto the power of waves beating against the shore.

Summary: Tempest is a special Soul Reaper (Visoreds) who has obtained similar powers as a Hollow. She is a serious person by nature, but can be a perfectionist at anything she is told to do. Tempest is a mysterious young woman who is deeply respected by fellow Soul Reapers for she has never once messed up in her whole career. Things get stingy though, whenever new people begin showing up and terrorizing the Soul Society and she is forced to go the "Land of the Living" to hunt down the problem and solve it.
