Krory: How To RolePlay

Aye! I’ll speak English here for you so you can understand me for future posts, it would be bloody kind of you.

  • I use ‘bloody’ as a swear word or in exchange with the word ‘very’.
  • I do not refer to people as boy or girl, I refer to them as bloke or shelia, and a group is called mates.
  • I never say ‘you’ I always say ‘yoos’
  • Aye is my way of say yes.
  • I have a confidence problem about my body and don’t think I am that pretty since one, I am super tall, and two I am very thick, and three well I am a military croc.
  • I have a fake leg, so I hide my limp and not the faster person in battle.
  • I am pretty happy go lucky but when it comes to a fight, I tend to call people ‘maggots’ and get really mean with them.
  • I don’t show my true power to my friends nor would I ever use it on them.
  • I have a twin brother who I think is a complete ass.
  • When I see Mist, I blush.
  • With the other ladies, we talk often about men, I understand the ways guys think and try to help the shelias to understand that too.
  • I have a dictionary that you can refer to for some of my lingo.
  • Sadly, when I am hyper I like to smash my tail side to side.
  • Reading fashion magazines and keeping up with the latest clothes is a must for me.
  • Yes I have a funny accent and people have a hard time understanding me.
  • I don’t believe in the Legendary Pokemon, not because I don’t believe they exist, but more or less, they only come when things need to be drastically changed.
  • I have a secret but I am really comfortable with this secret.
  • The military is where I succeeded.
  • I love to kiss random boys, and tease them, but never to the extent where I am making fun of their man hood.
  • I get embarassed easily around women.
  • I’m not one to be naked in front of others.
  • I am thoughtful and kind but will protect the ones I love.
  • Absolutely HATE water…
  • When I believe in a cause, I will for sure see it through till the end.