Use HONEY!!!!

Hey everyone!

How's everything going?
I'm officially on my summer break ;) my summer ends on October 2nd, so I got a very long break from school!

I planned to work on some art projects, renew my passport ( just in case i have to get out the country...) and dejunk the garage! Basically there's a lot of stuff to do.

I saw Maleficent and I like this version of Sleeping Beauty better than the original animated one. Pretty slow at the beginning but overall a good watch.

For three days straight, my two sis and I have been playing badminton in the backyard. We set up a net and everything for it, so it's been cool.

For the past 6 days, it's weird not having to sleep at a certain time or wake up early....sure I have some chores, but I rather have them than homework....I don't know why most children/people in general complained about chores.... they could be therapeutic or a good way to procrastinate on projects. That's why living in a dorm at school was weird, because I can't use chores as a way to procrastinate

the other day I was cooking a pot of rice and I opened the lid wrong and slowly, so I got burned by steam... I knew steam could be hot too but I didn't expect it to be so hot that it could gave me a burn.... O.o
So I ran my fingers under cool water, but it still stings, so I iced it but it still hurts.... So I googled on what to do with a burn and the first thing I saw was to use honey. I put some honey on my fingers and now I'm all good :D

LESSON: I learned that HONEY is the go-to-home remedy item if you burned yourself! It's also good in coffee and on toast with peanut butter :D

That's it for now, this post have turned out so random....

And Please check out my etsy shop(my sis and cousin is part of it too) and tumblr for our shop too! The links are on top of the introduction of this world

Thanks again

Have a good one
