

Sorry ahead of time for such a crappy post omg.


Black smoke curled into the sky, withered fingers formed from the breath of a blazing fire. Though it once stood as a magnificent refuge, a beacon for us... the mansion was being reduced to rubble, and there was nothing we could do.

But there was something, something that made it all worthwhile. On the front steps, laying in the fetal position only just stirring from unconsciousness, was the one I had thought to be dead.

Cyrus. My brother. My twin. Very much alive. Barely breathing, emancipated, hopeless, but alive.

I took him into my arms. “Cyrus. Cyrus. It is me, Griffin. You remember me, do you not?”

He coughed, then smiled weakly. “Of course I remember my incredible brother.”

Squeezing him tighter—enough so that he gasped for air—I could not stop the shaking throughout my entire body. “Thank the Gods you are alive.”

“Why are you talking like that? And ‘the Gods’? Griffin, don’t you remember yet?”

“I am sorry?”

He laughed—a short, bitter, but genuine laugh—and said, “Griffin, we were raised as Orthodox. Father was a minister. Kind of an asshole, but he was a minister. We’re Orthodox, even if you don’t remember. X.L. sure thought themselves cle...” He drifted off.

With a swift shake of my head, I leaned back. He felt so frail. I had to protect him. “It does not matter now. We are together again. Finally. After all this time.”

He nodded. “After all this time.”

“And forever more.”

It only went downhill from there.

We were forced to “hunker down” in some sort of elaborate bomb shelter with Akira’s mother and brother, and it did not take long for everyone to turn against Cyrus. And I would not have that.

My brother was not the monster.

But I had not meant to hurt Akira. In the end, she was the one I hurt the most.

I had to protect my brother. I could not lose him again. I could not.

Everyone dispersed.

Everyone but Cyrus and myself.

Still I cradled him, and only after a few minutes did I realize he was telling me to stop.

“How can I stop, brother? You are alive. I cannot relinquish this miracle.”

“It’s not a good thing, Griffin. It really, really isn’t,” he insisted. I could not tell why he was being so adamant. We had spent so long apart, and now that we were reunited, I would never allow us to be separated again.

I shook my head in defiance. “Do not say such things. You are wrong. I have spent too many a night blaming...” I paused, swallowing. “You are always on my mind, brother. I will never let any harm befall you again.”

“While I appreciate that, Griff,” Cyrus began, “you have many other problems to worry about.”

Puzzled, I cocked my head. “Such as?”

“The final showdown.”

* * *


His brows furrowed. I’d missed his expressional face. I’d forgotten. “I do not understand.”

Inhaling deeply, I turned to stare at the wall farthest from where we were. “I know you don’t. And I don’t pity you for not knowing.”

“Cyrus, you are not making sense.

“Of course I am,” I said. “You’re choosing not to believe me. Or understand me. It’s all XL’s plan, see?”

He stared at me. “Cyrus...”

With a bit of difficulty, I found my way to my feet and pushed Griffin lovingly away. “Stop. Leave me alone. I appreciate all you’ve done for me, but you need to stop.” I turned sharply to him. “I’m not the little boy you think you know, Griffin. He’s dead.”

The last comment seemed to slap him across the face as he physically recoiled. I gave a stiff nod before limping out the room. As soon as I was out of eyesight, I leaned heavily against the nearest wall for support, blinking away the black spots that hovered before my eyes.

There was a sharp twinge in my side. It was likely a combination of the sedative XL administered to me and exhaustion that led to this. Regardless of the cause, I felt awful, and I needed to find a place to rest.

Everyone hid. It was odd. I could see them, hear their conversations, but as soon as my feet touched the cement by their doors, it was as if they ceased to exist.

Until someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I yelped and spun around, immediately regretting the action. My head swam.

There was a small girl before me. Her hair was aflame. Violett.

She seemed conflicted.

“You... you made me this way.” It was an accusation, not a question.

Swallowing hard, I shook my head. “I didn’t. I just made a thesis. XL twisted it. I swear.”

She pouted. “You could be lying.”

“And you know I’m not. You can read my thoughts.”

You’re one smart cookie, Mister.

I winked, trying to smile. I read a lot.

So you didn’t make me a freak? Any of us?

Only myself, I’m afraid. The rest of you beautiful creatures were made by XL.

The corners of her lips sagged. We’re all so flawed. I couldn’t help but grin, really grin.

And that is precisely what makes you all perfect.

She bit her bottom lip as she smiled. “You’re not so bad a guy, Cy.”

“I hope everyone else can see that, soon, as well.” Waving, she turned and went on her way, and I was left alone once more.

I felt worse than before. Social interaction was a pain. Violett was sweet, but conversing with someone in such normal tones was out of the ordinary.

I found an empty room at the end of the hallway and ducked inside, bolting the door shut behind me. Letting out a heavy sigh, I found my way to the mattress, laid down upon it, and tried to fall asleep.

It didn’t work well.


yay nothing happened.

sorry guys


i suck


*sits in corner and dies*
