
Sorry this post is going to be so boring, I'm taking a quick break from writing Summer Daze to actually write about Germany ;)
I can't even bother to edit this post, I just threw a whole bunch of ideas together and currently don't feel like changing it. I hope you don't mind that I borrowed Emery for the day, C C C.


“Is it par-fey or par-fit?” Aerith stood behind Emery who was ordering in a busy café, wishing she was anywhere but here. The line was already reaching the door and it was barely 8 in the morning. “Hmmm, I think this board is very misleading.”

“Look. Kid, are you going to order anything or will I have to escort you out?” The cashier looked across his thick glasses at the church grim who refused to be rushed. The heavy brows supporting his glasses dragged the wrinkles into an angry meeting point on his forehead.

“Okay, okay. I’ll order, gosh. Are all people in Germany as rude as you?” Emery didn’t bother to wait for an answer. “Fine. Me and my friend will have a croissant.”

“God. Why do you send me such trials in my life?” The English speaking German man looked heaven-ward before bringing his meaty hands forcefully down on the counterpane. “For the last time. We do not sell croissants. Or chicken wings. Or anything you want. Please leave and never come back.”

“What? No croissants? What breed of criminal are you?” Emery shook his head in mock disgust. “I’ll just be going now, but not because you said so. It’s for the moral behind not having a croissant in a café. Good day.”

Aerith tried to suppress a sigh as she followed Emery out into the streets of Germany. The details surrounding the trip to Germany were still foggy to her, not to mention the two new members of the club who seemed to have found the club on their own.

‘Did we really stick out so much that others were naturally drawn to our group? I wonder if they like being part of a family again?’ Aerith thought about these things a lot.

“Hey. You’re making that weird face again.” Emery’s nose was inches from hers and his breath was warm against the slight chill of the early morning. “C’mon, let’s find somewhere to eat. I’m hungry enough to eat a human and you’re just looking off into space making parent faces.”

“Parent faces?” Aerith kept stride with Emery as he guided them down the street and through the early morning traffic. He felt no qualms as he weaved through the busy city and kept close to the shadows.

“Yeah, you know those faces your mom makes when she sees an old picture or something gushy like that?”

“No. I can’t say I have.” She shoved her curled fists into the deep pockets of her coat and smiled at Emery. His eyes didn’t have their usual hint of mischief and his gait faltered a bit.

“Well, then you’re not really missing out on much,” He quickly turned forward and continued walking through the heart of the city.

Different smells accosted their sensitive noses as they ducked in and out of colorful stalls and open shop doors complete with collapsible Russian dolls. Children pressed their faces to the glass and watched the pair with sleepy eyes. This whole part of town seemed to be stuck in a sleep-zone. Aside from the busy café and the traffic, nothing seemed to move at a rate faster than a turtle.

Without preamble, Emery blurted out the first thing that popped into his head: “Why are you always sleeping?”

“Huh?”Totally confused by his question, Aerith dragged her gaze away from the toy shop they just passed and fixed him with a half lidded gaze. “Why do I sleep?”

“No, that came out wrong. I meant to ask you why you’re always sleeping? Like when your group came to Sugar, you had your head on the table and slept most of the time. Why’d you bother to go?”

“Oh, heh, I remember that. Well, I don’t get enough sleep as it is. Plus I only woke up half a century ago and I’m still growing… I think.” Aerith’s fingers dug into the soft flesh of her palms. She always felt uncomfortable when asked direct questions.

“Shut the front door! You said you woke up half a century ago, that means you had to be asleep before that! Girl, how old are you?”

“Shhh, don’t talk so loud. Akira said we need to be on guard now that we’re so close to seeing her brother!”

Both of them gave a cursory look around the shuttered windows and honey colored light spilling through the shop doors. Anything could be a trap.

“So how old are you?” Emery pressed her with the question again in a lower voice. “And why is everyone so scared to talk outside of the hotel? You’d think you guys robbed a bank or murdered somebody. Oh my goodness, are we a huge witness protection program?”

“What? No, we’re not here to hide people, our acronym spells out mythological creatures club, not witness protection program. ” Aerith swept the streets with her eyes before answering the other side of Emery’s questions. “We don’t talk outside of the hotel because there’s a secret organization looking for us and they’ll stop at nothing to get us back, I think…”

“Why aren't you certain about it?” Emery stopped Aerith and spun her around to face him. His smile was gone and his eyes were deadly serious. “I think I may know what you’re talking about, but I have to be sure.”

“Emery, you’re scaring me. Please let go.” Aerith tried to wriggle out of his strong grip, but his arms rippled with muscles as he fought to keep her in place. The tattoos peeking out from underneath his sleeves didn’t help to calm Aerith’s nerves. It reminded her of creepy crawlies and other beetles hiding under the soil.

“You have to tell me what you know Aerith, Akira only told me half, but I know she was hiding something from me. Just tell me. Please.”

“No!” Aerith forgot her own warning and raised her voice to the point where it echoed between the alleys of every building.

“Shhhh!” Emery threw a gloved hand over her mouth and silently willed no cops to drive by. This would be one sticky situation to get out of if anyone looked closely.

“Mmm caghnnnnt.” Aerith’s vision was clouded with fresh water tears. It was then that she knew what she had to do. “Ihhmmmm shorrrry Mmrhyy.” She sank her serrated teeth into the fleshy part of his hand and prayed that he would be able to forgive her.

“Aerith!” Emery let go and looked at her like a kicked puppy.

“I’m sorry.” Was all she managed to sob as she took off down the unfamiliar streets.


To be continued....

Sorry again, I'm just going to hide in corners and cut other people's wrists-- jk. I won't cut anyone's wrists :p I just had a rough morning in which I went to bed at 1 and woke up at 7:20 =____= I need another nap.

If it's not too much trouble C C C, you could finish/continue Em's side...? Only if you have time, don't stress yourself :)
