

Sorry it’s been so long. I threw something together for you all; hope it’s acceptable. As always, comments are always appreciated. :D


What they were doing was utterly despicable. Making me fear the very thing I loved.

It was mental, psychological. Whatever new age word they were using.

Solana... I didn’t want to react that way. But it was wired into my brain, now. I had no choice. I had to feel terror. That’s what they wanted. And they were in control.

I’d figured it out almost instantly. The butterfly? Its wings were identical to Solana’s. Every time it came close to me, that wretched electricity would course through me. I couldn’t understand how I was even alive.

Maybe they were keeping me that way.

Maybe it was a mistake.

“Good morning, my little fox,” a sickening voice called from the hallway. Christine backed into the room with a tray in her arms. “How’s my favorite patient today?”

I kept my lips shut. She’s trying to bait you. I don’t know why... but... she is. Isn’t she? Doesn’t she always? My thoughts had stopped making sense decades ago.

Pouting, she strode over to my tableside, setting the tray down near my head. A small bowl of rice and a glass of water were all that sat upon the silver surface, aside from a drooping daisy.

“I brought you a meal, and you won’t even greet me?” You consider that a meal? No wonder you’re so emaciated. “Oh, Ace. You’re not being very cooperative.” Her voice donned a warning tone. With a skeletal hand, she moved toward my ears, to stroke them in that unnerving way of hers.

I flinched.

She paused. “Oh? Are you afraid of me now? What a shame.” Tsking, she grasped my grin in her iron grip, forcing me to look at her. I trembled in her hold, fighting back the tears. Stay strong. Don’t give in. “Now, now. Don’t cry. You don’t want to be a baby, do you?” Biting my lip as hard as I could, I shook my head. She laughed. “Acey, you’re so easy to screw with. Like a dumb animal. And that’s just what you are.”

You’re right. Right right right right. You’ve never been wrong. My thoughts had been corrupted, tainted by the woman’s manipulative ways.

She sighed, ruffling my matted fur. “I almost wish it didn’t have to be this way. If only we’d met under different circumstances.” That wouldn’t change the fact that you’re a heartless b*tch. “Maybe someday you’ll learn. Maybe you can change.”

“Only if you steal a soul,” I hissed, voice hoarse. Days had passed since I’d last spoken aloud. Days since I’d done anything but scream.

A smile appeared on her perfect lips. “I can assure you I have one of my own. It’s just a bit... different than your perception of ‘good’.” And I can assure you it’s quite the opposite.

Still, I didn’t answer. It’d been a mistake, to speak up. It would only haunt me later.

With a disdainful exhale, she stepped away, swaying her hips all the while. “I’ll see you later, my precious little fox. I have a surprise for you.” Surprises weren’t a good thing. They never were and never would be. “Farewell.”

The door slammed.

The lights extinguished.

And, for once, I wasn’t subjected to the horrid electricity that I’d grown accustomed to. Instead, I was faced with an eternal silence, one where it felt as though no one would ever hear or find me.

I couldn’t decide which fate was worse.


“... The doctor will be right in to see you.” A voice cut through the darkness, the sound abrasive and unappealing. But it intrigued me.

Someone new? An intern or something? My lips twitched. Right. like any sane person would intern here... But who are they talking to??

The door was thrown open, a slim silhouette shrouded in a halo of light. Not used to the blinding nature, I shut my eyes, unable to determine who it was.

They stumbled into the room before the door closed again.


A sensation of dread crept over me. “W-who’s there?”

“Ace? I-it’s me.” Oh God almighty, no! Not her. Anyone but her. Why? WHY, D*MMIT?

“Solana?! What are you doing here?!” While I wished to see her, the longing heavy in my heart, my fear was evident.

Her tone was steady and smooth, practiced almost. “They caught us. It was bound to happen. They were tracking us, right?”

“Yeah, but...” I can’t handle this. It’s too soon. Oh, Solana, I’m sorry I can’t explain.

As my vision readjusted in the blackness, her form moved closer. NO NO NO. I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE.

“S-Solana? D-don’t come near me,” I pleaded, desperate. I hated myself for having to say those words. They didn’t explain my situation.

“What?” There was a slight laugh attached to the end of her query.

“Please, God, please.” I couldn’t contain my cries, the tears racing down my cheeks and splashing onto the metal surface below. Realizing that I wasn’t joking, she knelt at my side, cooing to me like one would a troubled child.

“Shhh, it’s alright,” she whispered, voice soft and gentle. I couldn’t respond, having called her out on her outrageous lie if I’d been able to. “Ace, it’ll be alright.”

“You don’t understand!” I shouted, entire body quaking. Her hand fell upon my own, radiating heat. She’s so warm... No. No physical contact. Oh, God, she’ll be shocked, too. NO!!Don’t touch me!

She jerked away, startled by my outburst. Then, the waves racked my body once more, and to prevent myself from screaming, I bit my tongue as hard as I could, the taste of iron filling my mouth. I’m glad you can’t see me like this, Solana... Blindness is a blessing.

The door opened, illuminating us both in its brilliant glow. The cuts that lined my body and the filth that coated me shimmered, catching Solana’s eye. Look away. Please. Please...

“Ah, I see your little friend decided to join us. About time.” Christine strode into the room, pressing the button that served as my salvation. The electricity disappeared, leaving me panting. “My dear Solana. What a pleasure it is to meet you. I’m sure Ace will... love your company, isn’t that right?”

Solana’s wings caught the light, bringing the image of that accursed robotic butterfly to mind. Frantic, I shook my head.

Christine laughed. “Yes, this will be delightful. I can’t wait.” Careful in her heels, she stepped over to Solana, grabbing her chains hastily and yanking her to her feet.. “Don’t think you get to run rampant. What kind of place would we be running if that was true, an animal shelter? Pretty close, actually.”

She was terribly unkind as she dragged Solana over to the other table. It’d been unoccupied for the week or so I’d been there. With no struggling from my angel, Christine secured the cuffs around her thin wrists and ankles.

She finally turned the lights on, moving to a spot between us.

“Ah, yes. We have plans for you, too. Surprising, seeing how weak you are. No matter. That’ll be fixed soon enough. Be a dear, Ace, and make Solana feel at home.”

Laughing, she strode out the door, pulling it closed behind her.

More silence reigned for a few moments.

“Ace... What’s going on? Why... Why are you afraid of me??” Solana’s demand was harsh and unexpected. It made my heart ache.

God, I just want to tell you. I want to save you. Why did they have to bring you here? You don’t deserve this. None of us do... Oh, Solana... “I’m sorry. Sorry. So sorry. I’m sorry. God, I’m sorry.” My words were nothing more than babble. They held true intentions, but they sounded empty.

Solana, I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t be here. I wish I could help you escape. I’d take a dozen bullets for you if it meant you could be free. I love you...

I kept my eyes glued on her, watching as she turned away. I’m a disgrace. You shouldn’t see me like this. I’m sorry... I’m sorry I’m not stronger...

Her breathing eased, and though I myself was unable to find peace, her even breathing soothed my troubled mind. I couldn’t fall asleep like she had, but it didn’t matter. Despite my fear, my conditioned panic, I was strangely relieved to see her. She was... my angel. That’s all there was to it.

We’ll get out of here someday, Solana. I promise. I promise.


Erk... Sorry about the poor quality. I kind of spat words out from my fingers in hopes to meet the deadline. o.o NOT THAT I’M CUTTING ON THE DEADLINE; I’M JUST A PROCRASTINATOR.

I’ll try and have something up for Amor by tomorrow. :).
