
Sorry this is so late...and out of order. WyvernWings and I realized we never told what happened in the morning with Dantacia (Her word lol) The title is inspired by this song. Feedback is appreciated!

.: DANTE :.



Bright rays of sunlight poured into my room, illuminating everything in bright light and rousing me from my peaceful slumber. Groaning softly as I squeezed my eyes closed, I tried to roll over on my side, only to find something blocking my way. Opening my eyes slowly, I realized that the something was a someone. Acacia was laying next to me, her chest rising and falling evenly as she slept soundly. Involuntarily, my lips curled up in a small smile as the events of last night came rushing back to me.

Despite everything that happened last night with XL, it was still one of the greatest nights of my life. Lost in thought, I trailed my hand delicately over Acacia's face, playing with her pearl white hair. I loved the feeling of her hair between my fingers, so soft and silk like. I saw her stir in her sleep before she nuzzled her face into my chest, sighing. I thought she went back to sleep but it wasn’t a second later that her eyes fluttered open.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I said, kissing her forehead softly.

“Pourquoi gardez-vous de m'appeler belle?” She asked, groggily rubbing her eyes.

“How many times do I have to tell you until you believe me?” Chuckling, I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her close to me.

“Maybe I just like it when you tell me,”

"Oh, do you know?" When I tilted my head towards hers, I could feel her breath on mine before I kissed her. Her lips were cold, yet soft at the same time and they tasted oddly of honey. I didn't know long we kissed for until she broke it off so that she could catch her breath, her face graced with a small smile.

“That is such a façon agréable de se réveiller,” Acacia said as she moved closer to me and laid her head on my chest. The room became quiet and peaceful as we laid together, listening to the sounds of our heartbeats as they banged in time with one another. The rhythm was so soothing, it began to make me drowsy again.

Until a loud, rumbling sound erupted from my stomach, causing Acacia to let out a small giggle.

“Come. Let's get you some food." She said, making a face when she said food like it ailed her to speak it. At her reaction, I couldn’t help but to burst out in laughter that shook the bed. It was minutes before I stopped laughing enough to breathe. I didn’t want to get up yet so instead, I took a stray strand of Acacia’s hair and played it in my hands.

“You really are beautiful, Acacia. So much it hurts sometimes.” I confessed. She couldn’t blush, I knew that but she did avert my gaze and stared at her hands.

“Thank you,” She said softly before standing up from the bed, pulling me with her.

“Food. Me. Now. Please. ” I said, giving her a puppy dog look. She smiled at me and rolled her eyes.

“Yes, okay. Though, I think we need to change clothes.” She casted a glance down at her attire, which was still the dress she wore last night. When I looked down at myself, I was also wearing the same clothes from last night. Sighing, I nodded.

“Meet me downstairs?” I asked hopefully. Acacia nodded and with a quick kiss on my cheek, she gracefully left. I was smiling the entire time I switched out of my old clothes and into jeans and a white t-Shirt. My heart felt like it was in overdrive and I truly believe I could take on a 230 pound dragon. Or Wyvern. Whatever. It seemed as if I was on a high and I couldn’t get down, no matter what.

It seemed not even five minutes after Acacia left that I was downstairs waiting for her. TIme didn’t matter to me anymore. The dra- Griffin - was in the kitchen with a spatula in hand. He was wearing an apron that read “Kiss The Wyvern” in big hot pink letters. I was really beginning to question his orientation. From the kitchen itself, an aroma was emerging that was so intoxicating, my mouth was watering in seconds. As if on cue, my stomach made another loud growl, making itself known.

Minutes passed before I saw Acacia’s figure descending the stairway, wearing her normal outfit and vest. When she reached the final stairs, I held out my hand for her and, smiling, she took it. So together, hand-in-hand, we walked into the dining room. I was so happy I thought nothing could ruin this day.

I was wrong.


Where am I? was the first coherent thought that passed through my mind. It was followed closely by It’s so...cold. My mind was so foggy and clouded over, nothing else that ran through it made any sense to me. Disoriented, my head lolled to the side, only to hit something hard and much colder. When I tried to recoil and find warmth, I found my body would not move. THe only thing that I could move was my head and that was just barely. My legs, my arms, my body was frozen from something other than the cold.

I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't budge. Time and time again, they only fluttered but never stayed open. Finally, mustering up all the strength I could, with in retrospect I realized wasn't much, my eyes opened and eventually stayed that way. The first thing I saw was a single bright, fluorescent light. Then it was white. White walls, white door, white ceiling, white everything.

It was only then that I was aware of the white hot pain that engulfed my body. It was so intense and brutal, it was all I could think of. It hurt to blink, to breathe, to feel.

Suddenly, the door burst open to reveal a familiar, petite figure. When my mind processed who was standing before me, my blood ran colder than ice and my heart literally stopped.

It was Mia before me, masking in all her beauty and glory. Alive. And moving. Her hair, that was a chocolate brown when I remembered her, was replaced by hair so white, it gave snow a run for its money. Her eyes were still the same violet colour that I recalled. However, instead of being filled with warmth, kindness and love, the only thing that kept them from looking dead was the cold, hard edge to them.

No. This was impossible. Cold tears formed in my eyes, not of happiness but of confusion...

And anger.

Mia smiled, but it was a cruel ghost of the soft one I had grown so accustomed to in the past.

“Hello, Dante,” She said, gliding over to me side. “Oh, it’s been so long. How have you been, love?” I cringed at her old, pet name for me. It didn't sound right, coming out in her sickly sweet voice. It almost made me physically ill.

“Mia what- you’re dead- how did this- what the- you died in my arms. In my arms. This can't be real.”

“On the contrary, love, this is the only thing that has been real. The rest, well, you saw what we wanted you to seE. Nothing more. Now...” I didn't know what she was planning but seconds later, whatever was holding me in place tightened so much, I could feel my circulation being cut off. I hissed and struggled to escape.

“Don’t fight, dear Dante,” Mia chided. “This is nothing compared to what your girlfriend has been through already.” My blood froze and my heart actually stopped at her words.

Acacia. She was....here? Oh, god no. Suddenly, my fear turned to anger.

“What. Did. You. Do. To. Her. You. Bitch! I. Will. Kill. You. If. You. Hurt. Her!” I yelled as a sudden urge to rip her throat out washed over me like a tidal wave. I saw what I thought was a flicker of fear in her eyes, but after I blinked, it was gone. Instead, she sauntered over to me and trailed her hand down my arm.

“Don’t worry. She’ll still be alive...after we’re done with her.” She said, in a fake attempt to be soothing. “ The question still remains, will Acacia be able to even be in the same room as you when we’re done with you?” Her voice was filled with so much hatred and resentment, it shocked even me, as did the words she spoke.

“How did you-?”

“Know her name?” She asked, cutting me off. The air was filled with the sound of her short, cruel laugh.

“Oh, Dante. You unobservant, naive little boy. Surely you have noticed the similarities.” She whispered, probably trying to add dramatic effect to her words. When the sudden realization of what she meant hit me, I felt stupid for not noticing it earlier. Pearl white hair, perfect contour of of the face, eyes colour, independent attitude...


No, no, no...

Please no...

“Yes, Dante.” She said, caressing my face with her hand. I felt her grip my chin and force my eyes to meet hers.

“Acacia and I, are sisters. Blood sisters.” She let go of my face with a jerk.

“No. Please, no...” I managed to whisper as shock and fear coursed through my body. This could not be happening. This is just a dream. This is just a dream. This is just a dream. This is just a dream. my mind repeated over and over again. Still, in my heart, I knew it wasn’t. It was real and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

“W-What’s your real name then?” I managed to choke out. Mia-whatever- didn’t look at me when she answered. She was too busy rummaging through a metal cabinet, looking for something important.

“Cecile. Cecile de la Radix, Acacia's older sister.” The way her face contorted Mia-Cecile-seemed to be disgusted with the fact that was was biologically related to Acacia. I felt sorry for Acacia, not Mia/Cecile. I shared her feeling. How could Mia, a kind, caring and generous soul, turn out to be Cecile, a cruel, cold and heartless woman?

And a scientist for XL? I couldn't piece it all together and unfortunately, I wasn't given the opportunity to try.

“Now, Dante. Be good and don’t move, love.” Mia/Cecile instructed, while her hand that clutched a large syringe filled with a dark green liquid. With sudden knowledge, I knew what she was about to do. Struggling against my bonds, I tried to free my arms, my legs, something. My efforts were all in vain. Nothing would move. It was useless.

What’s the point of fighting? No one is going to come for you. Acacia is probably dead, or close to it at this point, with that bitch of a sister alive. Why fight? Why live?

And for once in my life, I gave up fighting.

“Good, love. Just relax. This will only hurt a little.” She cooed, pricking my skin with the needle. “What comes next, more so,” At first, I felt nothing. But my relief was short lived when the pain it. It felt as if she injected pure fire into my body and it was coursing through my veins. Like liquid hell was getting pumped into my body. I let out a scream because that was all I could do. Again and again, I screamed, even when my voice became hoarse, I screamed. The pain increased and kept going high and high in level.

The last thing I thought before succumbing to the darkness was... I never got to tell Acacia I loved her...
