What Am I Now?


My head was pounding. My whole body ached, felt like it had been forced into a wrong position. I still burned inside from the liquid Anders had injected into me, and at the same time, I felt...different. Strange. It was a familiar feeling, but one I couldn't place..."

"Good morning, nephew."

"Leave me alone." At least, that's what I tried to say. Instead, a deep growl echoed through the room.

Anders chuckled. "What was that? Could you repeat it?"

I couldn't talk. It all came out as growls and snarls.

"Look at yourself, boy. Did you really not notice?"

Notice what? What was he...tail. I felt my tail. But I wasn't....I hadn't...WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!

"Awww you look so confused. The injection I gave you last night neutralized portions of your human DNA. So at the moment, you are a wolf with a human brain. A human consciousness. Isn't that incredible?"

You sick b******!

I thrashed against my restraints, growling and snapping at him, even though he was too far away. He sighed and pushed a few buttons, and I hit the floor hard enough to knock the wind out of me. Instantly I was pinned down by two men in labcoats. Anders was filling another syringe, this time with an icy blue liquid.

"Your ungratefulness insults me, Keefer. Look at yourself. You're no longer a monster. At least not on the outside. And soon you shall become the perfect weapon. Perhaps then you will thank me." The needle sunk into my neck, sending a series of shocks through my body.

"There. Restrain him and leave him be."

A chain was wrapped around my neck, and something was fastened around what would be my ankle if I ever turned human again. I didn't fight them much; it felt like I'd been injected with electricity. Things were changing, and it grew more agonizing by the second.

"You're a monster, Keefer. Let me fix it!"

It felt like a thousand needles were digging into my lungs. I had to fight for breath.

"I don't need fixing! Monsters hurt people! I don't--"

My vision was flickering...blurring...

"Do you see what you do to those around you, boy? You've ruined their lives. They hate you, and they always will."

Darkness. Then a flash of color and a giggle. Blue eyes. Kateri?
Yeah, idk about the ending, just needed to end it. Last point before the rescue.....good like with the rescue guys!
