Thorns of the Past


This is an example (very brief) of what you could do for your character (IF they’ve been kidnapped). Hehehe enjoy :3


White on white on white. Everything was starched or bleached, so much so it burned my eyes, and, for the life of me, I couldn’t determine where I was.

Nothing was familiar, besides my outfit (consistent of my jeans, gray t-shirt, and black vest) I’d slept in, and, the more I stared at my surroundings, the more concerned I became.

After mingling with some of the others, especially Dante, I had fallen asleep and later woken to meet everyone for breakfast. But what happened after that?

For a few, disgruntled seconds, my mind whirred, dizzy and half asleep, as I tried to remember.

Then, it hit me all at once.

The headache, the agony, the unconsciousness yet again. There could be only one explanation: Xenogenesis Laboratories.

As the realization overwhelmed me, fear washed over me. Frantic, I struggled to rise from the cot, soon finding that the metal cuffs prevented my escape.

Churning, my mind began to process what this all meant. Everyone had been kidnapped to the extent of my knowledge. While I wasn’t fond of many, namely Griffin, Ash, and Vevila, none of them deserved to be trapped here like test subjects or prisoners.

When a single tear slipped from my eye, I knew desperation had finally set in, and, in a fit of panic, I began flailing as much as possible, thorns bursting from my skin only to have no effect.

Breathing heavily, I surrendered, crumbling back onto the hard, thin bed.

Aidez-moi. S’il vous plaît,” I whispered, knowing all too well that no one would be there to aid me. As I turned my head to rest my face against the cold surface, I closed my eyes limply, accepting my fate. It would be impossible for me to escape on my own, and, though I hated to admit I needed it, I knew that no one would be coming to help.

A sudden bang from beyond the padded, white door caught my attention, and, with a start, I sat up as much as I could, eying the entrance warily.

Qui est là?” I called, my voice wavering. Perhaps one of my teammates had managed to escape? Even though I tried to remain optimistic, I knew my hopes were wrong, even before the door creaked open.

Framed by a pair of thick, black-rimmed glasses, a clean-shaven face emerged from the hallway beyond, their glinting blue eyes familiar.

Vous voulez me dire que vous ne me reconnaissez pas?” he barked, striding into the room and slamming the door behind him. Swallowing hard, I cowered into the cot, struggling not to hyperventilate. As he drew neared, a smirk on his features, I glanced at the nametag housed on his labcoat, reading the name Dr. Améliorer.

As memories trickled into my mind, filling my thoughts with laughter and agony, my eyes grew wide. How had I managed to forget all of this... this torture until now?

Qu'est-ce que tu veux de moi? Pourquoi avez-vous enlever mes compagnons?” I demanded with as much ferocity as I could muster. Still smiling, he leaned over me, resting his hands by my side.

“Dear Acacia,” he muttered in a thick French accent, smirking at me. “You always were rather feisty. However, you never were this aggressive. What things you must have experienced in order to get this way.”

“What are you talking about? Répondez-moi!” I ordered, narrowing my eyes to slits.

“You think that you are the only one to have experienced what you have in this laboratory?” he questioned, plucking a syringe from the silver tray. My eyes widened in recognition. “My dear, you are not that unique. You never were.”

Qu'est-ce que tu racontes?” I demanded desperately. Chuckling, he placed his hand under my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes. Anger and panic surging through me, I summoned my thorns, pricking his palm and earning a curse in response.

“How dare you, you dirty little putain écoeurant!” he snarled, striking my cheek without mercy. I gasped, the pain sharp and sudden. “I should never have given you that parachute. That was your first experience of hope, and look where it’s gotten you.”

“I would much rather be dead right now than here with you anyway,” I spat, glowering. He smiled.

“That can be arranged.” Swallowing, I struggled to keep my lip from quivering. “But, maintenant, I must leave. You’ll have another guest soon enough. Au revoir, my dear. Until we meet again.” With a hearty laugh, he turned on his heel and strode out the door, slamming it in his wake.

Whimpering, I bit my lip, shutting my eyes against my despair.

Hold tight to hope
Never give in to defeat
You can win any fight
No matter how bleak.

My poetry having done a little to soothe me, I opened my eyes, focusing on the alabaster ceiling above me. The paint was chipping, revealing a gray undercoat, and the cracks were somehow... familiar? That does not make sense, crétin. You’ve never been here. But there was a nagging thought that, at some point, I had been there, that what that doctor had said was true.

A new banging interrupted my thoughts, this time the sound coming from outside the room as if someone were knocking. Confused, I didn’t really think my plan through before enacting it.

“May I help you?” I called. Yes, by sacrificing your water and your life. was my immediate response. The banging ceased.

Soon, the door creaked open, a new figure clothed in a black lab coat entering the room and turning around too quickly for me to see their face. Hmm?

Their cropped, blonde hair nicely complimented their small, elven head, their tall frame accentuated by the coat. Holding a clipboard in one manicured hand, the woman seemed to have a gameplay set and ready. So why hasn’t she turned around?!

As if hearing my internal question, the woman spun around to face me, a broad grin on her face as she moved closer, leaning on the table upon which I lay within a matter of seconds. For a moment or two, my brain couldn’t process it.

“W-w-w...” I stuttered, eyes wide. Rolling her violet eyes, she scoffed, shaking her head.

“Hello, dear sister. It’s been far too long.” I managed to muster up enough strength to utter a single word.

“Cecile?” Her grin grew broader.

“I’m glad you recognize me, Kaycee.” Grimacing, I shook my head.

Mon Dieu, please do not start with that nickname again,” I begged, unable to comprehend the meaning behind her presence. Attendez.

“I suspect you have a few things to ask?”

“Why are you here? Why aren’t you speaking French? What happened to your accent? Why aren’t you green?” I blurted, earning a pleased expression.

“Hmm, let’s see. I’m here to do a follow-up on my research. I grew up in America, like you, moved to France when we were four, then came back here when I went to college. And... I grew out of it, I guess. Does that answer your questions?” Stunned speechless, I felt my eyes widen. Non. This cannot be.


“My turn. Why are you still wearing that silly old vest? It isn’t even in style.”

“Says the girl in a labcoat.

“How are your... vines? And I see you’ve met some friends. What an adorable name, The M.C.C. Did my artistic little poet help name it?”

“You gave me this vest, stupid. I thought you were dead,” I barked, clenching my teeth. “They’re fine. No, I don’t do titles.” She shrugged, and fear seized me. “Cecile... did you... did you...?”

“Did conduct an experiment on you?” she finished. “No, of course not. I couldn’t do that to you.” Relieved, I sighed. “However, that little ‘Fallen Angel’ of yours... I did.”

Comment osez-vous, salope sans coeur?!” I shouted, thrashing. Dante, oh Dante.

“Oh, don’t get so worked up.” Pursing her lips, she leaned toward me, carefully reaching around my neck so as to avoid my skin. A sharp sting indicated that she had pierced my skin with something, an immediate flow of burning liquid racing through me. I gritted my teeth against the pain. Whispering, she commented, “I will perfect you. You’ve grown soft, fragile, weak. When I’m finished with you, you won’t have to deal with your petty emotions anymore. You’ll be just what we wanted.” Pulling away, she sneered, enjoying my terror.

“You know, I don’t understand how you never realized I was never on your side,” she mused. “I mean really? Do I look like I wear an Extra Large?? Don’t answer that.” Now that she mentioned it, I could tell that the fabrics of her coat and my vest were... identical.

After all this time... she was always in XL... I wore the remnants of an XL labcoat since the day we parted way. Oh, mon dieu, no. “You see? You’ve been wearing a clue to your little club’s investigation since the day you got that thing. How convenient.”

“Cecile!” My voice was powerful, despite my weakness, fueled by anger and both emotional and physical agony.

“Shut up. Don’t whine about it. You could have helped them much earlier on. But, you didn’t.” After glancing at her watch, she sighed. “Ah, well, I must be off. Places to be, people’s lives to wreck. Ta ta for now, dear sister!”

As she left, slamming the door even harder than the first scientist, a sob built up in my throat, threatening to escape.

My only sister, my guardian, had betrayed me, practically sold me off to the enemy, and had conducted who knew what kind of experiments on my love. What had my sweet, loving sister become?

I didn’t see how the day could get any worse, even as the torture increased to unbearable degrees.

My last coherent thought was simply Dante... Desolee. Desolee... before I surrendered to the dark.


YAY FOR SHORT POSTS. So yeah..... just ah... just an example.... xD Hope you liked it! EXCITING MASS OF POSTS NAO?!?!?! YES I HOPE SO <3

