Into the Flames


Hope this SPARKS some interest in you, IGNITES a FIRE of passion that urges you to write wat. wat am I doing... :D Ahhhh yeah...... :3 That’s all. Enjoy!


No matter how valiantly I fought against the sensation, a surge of panic and utter dismay continued to course through me, fueling my repetitive pacing and racing thoughts. How could they sneak up on us like that? How could they take Akira? I thought we had been prepared!

Trembling with shock, the majority of the women who had managed to escape seemed as though they would never recover, a few of the men—meaning Sebastian, Travis, and Kuroshiro—trying to comfort them so they would be at least moderately helpful.

Surrounding the pathetic fire we had created with the help of Bellinda and her matches, half of the club gathered, trying to chase away the chill of fear and denial.

Kateri sobbed openly, her action opposite of her normal cheery self, as she whimpered about the loss of her friends and “shopping buddies.” They are not dead, fool....But they might as well be.

Beside her, Tono buried her face into the shoulder of Solana, her tears of dismay concealed and silent. The cloud nymph stared into the fire, her sorrow silent, too, her eyes dull and dead in appearance. Pathetic. The loss of a relationship should not... I stopped myself, the very thought sending a pang of agony through me. Hypocrite.

Next to Kateri on her other side, Alice attempted to console her, unsure of what to do, while Amor continued to blather on about fashion and her precious clothing she had been forced to abandon for the time being. How materialistic. You cannot even show concern for the emotions of others.

Stepping around the fire, Kuroshiro stared at each of the despaired members, occasionally dipping down to whisper a kind word in an attempt to soothe their tears. You are doing a lousy job, Kuroshiro. Then, my thoughts turned against me. Well, what are you doing to help? Nothing.

Nodin sat as still and quiet as ever, seeming uninterested in the affairs of the club. Unable to sit still, Nai-Hina paced along the vegetation that surrounded us, glancing every so often at the trees and fire as if nervous. Ash was biting her lip, fighting her inner battle that I assumed was between the desire to remain quiet and to help. Though it was inappropriate, Riley seemed to be trying to cheer Solana up with a forced smile and hidden tears, her attempt useless and failing.

The remainder of the men offered as much comfort to the rest of the group as they could, hoping to make a difference.

Without consciously doing so, a growl escaped through my clenched teeth, my pacing halting as I shut my eyes, struggling to concoct a plan.

It was rather hard to do so, seeing as someone—Violette—refused to release my arm. Due to her incessant, unrelenting sobs, I could not force myself to push her away. Even so, the obnoxious noise drove me to the brink of insanity, disturbing my thoughts and impeding my planning. We are never going to save them. Without hesitation, my eyes opened, a sudden wave of determination washing over me. Yes we will. We must.

“Violette, let go of me this instant,” I ordered, my voice monotonous, as she peered up at me with wide, wet eyes. Biting my lip, I nodded, hardening my stare. “Please. We must... we must focus right now. I must focus. I hope you understand.”

Wiping her eyes, she nodded, shaking as she peeled away.

“Yeah... s-sorry Griffin. It’s just that... L-Locke i-is...” Oh dear Gods, how will we ever get anything done? How will we ever save them? As she began sobbing yet again, reaching for me as if out of habit, I gestured frantically at Sebastian, catching his attention and summoning him to me. Despite his cool composure, his eyes were bloodshot, the reality of his hopefully temporary loss taking a toll on him.

“Please, ah...” I began, glancing pointedly as the snivelling girl in my arms. Or rather, attached to my chest. “Help me.” As he tried to hide his snicker, he nodded, leaning down to get more on her level.

“Violette, please come with me. I’ll get you a blanket from the mansion,” he offered, her eyes growing to an even larger size.

“But that’s dangerous! What if those... those jerks are still there?” she cried, her breathing ragged.

“It’ll be okay. You just have to leave Griffin alone for a little bit.” At that, I shot him a glare. “Okay, okay. For a while.”

As she continued to bicker, forcing Sebastian to make numerous promises, I found my mind wandering once more, this time in a more helpful direction. An intriguing thought, one that was... familiar.

Without thinking, a grin spread on my lips as I reached for Sebastian, grabbing the front collar of his shirt and tugging him toward me, earning a frightened and startled expression from the vampire.

“I have a plan,” I muttered, knowing my eyes were unusually wide. Realizing how tight my grip was, I hastily released him, shrugging as an apology. “The tracking program. Akira hid it last night under her mattress before we went to sleep. I believe XL left as quickly as they could with our colleagues in tow.” Grinning broader, I continued. “It tracks us all. It will still track them. We have a chance!”

By the time I mentioned the program, Sebastian’s eyes lit up, and, when I finished, his grin matched my own.

“You’re kind of a genius, Griffin,” he remarked.

“I know.” No point in being modest about it.

“And we don’t need to get the laptop, you know. I have the program on my phone. It’s still at the mansion, though.” When he spoke, it reminded me of the previous night when Nodin had been aimlessly playing with his phone. Did Akira not mention that he also had the program?

“Nodin, would you happen to have access to the tracking program on your phone?” I questioned, interrupting Sebastian and striding towards the half-Demon. Drawing his phone from his pocket, he clicked a few buttons in rapid succession, the screen remaining blank. His eyes narrowed, he tossed it to the ground, useless, as he shook his head. It figures.

“Very well. Sebastian, I assume you will accompany me back?” I inquired, moving back to him. When he nodded with a grin, Violette’s jaw dropped.

“BUT WHAT IF THE BAD GUYS ARE STILL THERE, GRIFFY?” Violette cut in, her small frame shaking. After shooting the vampire a half hearted glare for not doing his job, I planted my hands on either of the girl’s shoulders, praying to the Gods I would not make matters worse.

“Violette, listen to me,” I pleaded, silencing her interruption. “I am a six foot four inches tall winged Greek man, and he is a two hundred year old French vampire. I am certain we can handle a few overweight men in labcoats.”

“But... the French never win,” she argued, losing the will to fight. I held up a hand for Sebastian not to comment, knowing he would only drag on the conversation. “And you mean you’re just going to leave us??”

“Yes. In the very capable hands of my good friend Kuroshiro and Travis,” I explained. “Nodin, as well, though I feel he will not do much talking.” Hearing my words, his head jerked up, nodding in agreement. “There. We will not be gone for long.” Her look of disbelief and utter fear forced a sigh from my lips. “I promise you, no harm will come to you or the others while I am around. Stay sane, and, for the Gods’ sakes, please stop crying.”

Once we relayed to the group that we were headed back to the mansion, Sebastian and I set off. After about five minutes of jogging, he piped up.

“So, can I ask how you know Akira hid her laptop under her bed last night?” he pondered, catching me by surprise.

“Ah, well... We...” How could I explain it without implying.... “We had a very personal conversation, and, when we were finished, I returned to her room.” Receiving his wary glare loud and clear, I continued. “Do not fret. All we did was converse. I would never disrespect a woman, especially one such as Akira, like that.”

“‘One such as Akira’, eh?” he laughed.

“What is so funny?”

“Nothing. Nothing at all.” Curse you, Sparkles.

Soon enough, the mansion was in sight. Once we determined there were no XL members around, we snuck into the building, searching first for his phone. When we came across it, however, all he could utter was a curse.

“D*mn those scientists,” he grumbled, holding the remains of his precious device delicately in his hands. “Guess they figured we’d come back.” He sighed, dumping the metal into the trash. “Well, at least we still have the laptop. I hope. Go check, will you?” After narrowing my eyes, I nodded, parting ways within a few seconds, me climbing the stairs to reach Akira’s room while Sebastian gathered food and water. Though he is rather tiresome, I will give him credit for being thoughtful.

I praised the Gods Akira had charged her laptop before heading down for breakfast as I gathered it in my arms. How strange. It is as if I am carrying a child. Her child. Blinking, I realized the meaning—and impossibility—of my thoughts. No matter. I must return to Sebastian, then to the group.

After meeting back up with Sebastian, I brandished the device.

“I believe there is still approximately four and a half hours on this,” I relayed, doing the math quickly in my head as I estimated.

“Then let’s get cracking.”

“Yes, we have the club to save. Our club.” Beaming, I nodded to him, racing out the back door with laptop—and food—in tow.

This might just work. We might have a chance to save them. Frowning, I swallowed, avoiding thick tree trunks as I navigated through the darkness.

Or it could blow up in our faces and end up being a trap. Shaking my head, I forced my mind into a positive state.

No. It will work. I will save Akira. I will save them. We will save them. We have no other choice but to try.

Whoa, guys. Short post, right? GOOD BECAUSE THAT GIVES YOU AN OPPORTUNITY TO FILL IN. Please don’t just... you know... make it an utter disappointment and have them all hopelessly kidnapped. Where’s the fun in that?

