

I was annoyed as I got off the plane. They took my matches and lighter before I got on saying something about safety. Well if they wanted to be safe they wouldn't of taken my matches. They're lucky I didn't burn the plane down.

Getting my bag I headed out to find my ride. Instead I found that it was raining. This made me more annoyed. Looking around I found a guy near a cab with a sign with my name on it. Pulling my bag closer I headed over to him and hurriedly got into the car. The guy seemed to know where he was going so I just watched out the window.

Eventually we got to a big house. Of course with my luck it was raining harder. Saying my thanks to the driver I got out and hurriedly got to the door. Knocking a couple of times, I leaned against the door and glared out at the rain.

I'm so so so so sorry it's short and It took forever for me to post again. I would be very thankful if someone would include her in their post.
