Silent Introduction

ALICE –o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-

I’d never been more relieved to be on the ground. It was my first time on a plane. I’ve only ever traveled by train so this was a new experience for me. I thought I was going to be sick. I hauled my suitcase down from the overhead compartment and started wheeling it sideways down the aisle. Everyone was in a rush to get off so I was hoping I wouldn’t get trampled to death. I really hate crowds. I stand out a lot.

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, which startled me and I nearly threw back my arm in a punch. I turned my head slowly. There was a girl standing behind me with her carry on.
“Cool hair!” She said. “Where’d you buy your outfit? I have a jacket just like that!” She must’ve been talking a mile a minute because everything she said after that went in one ear and out the other. I just turned back around slowly, not meaning to be rude. I looked down at my leather jacket. I shouldn’t have worn this but the weather report said it might be a little chilly. I had put on my gloves during the flight. They were a gift from Alex before I left. I think he’d been hoping I’d leave so he could be the star act again. He’s currently taking care of my pet bat, Luna, so I can’t complain. I couldn’t take her with me, sadly.
The line was moving faster and soon I was into the main terminal of the airport. I made my way down to the entrance. A taxi was supposed to be waiting for me or something. How was I supposed to find them? I walked outside and it was indeed chilly. Nothing worse than what I was used to. It was dark outside, just the way I liked it with the moon shining over head. I scanned the rows of cars looking for a taxi until I spotted a man holding my name up on a sign. I hurried over to him trying not to drop my suitcase.
“I’m Alice Eyre.” I said. “Are you picking me up?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He grabbed my suitcase and loaded it into the trunk as I hopped into the backseat. I’d never been in a taxi before. I was experiencing a lot and my journey had just begun.
The ride was quiet. I had no intention of making conversation. I rested my head against the window trying to get in a few minutes of sleep. There was a baby on the flight crying for three hours straight. I’m pretty sure everybody on the flight wanted to throw themselves out the plane. I guess I had dozed off for awhile because when I opened my eyes, the taxi had pulled up in front of a rather large home. The driver whose name was Ted apparently, I read his nametag, got my suitcase out for me.
“Thank you.” I smiled as he got back in the taxi and drove off leaving me in the dark. I grabbed my suitcase and wheeled it up to the front door. I wonder what time it was.
I got up to the grand front door. When was the last time I’d been in an actual house? I’d lived in train cars for so long, constantly moving from country to country. I brought my knuckles to the door and started knocking. To tell you the truth, I couldn’t wait to get inside, whether I was at the right house or not. The dark terrified me. You never know what’s lurking in the shadows. I shivered as a gust of wind blew by messing up my hair. I tied it back in a ponytail and decided to knock again. I hope someone was up. I really had no clue what time it was. I didn’t own a cell phone, there was no need.
I knocked for a third time, this time the door opened mid-knock to a very unhappy face.
A girl, who looked older than me, scratched her head. She was in her pajamas yawning. “Please! Some of us are trying to sleep!” She stopped. “Who’re you?”
“I’m Alice.” I say quietly. I should’ve stayed outside until it was earlier.
“Oh, nice to meet you, I’m Akira. There are rooms everywhere, find a vacant one. You can meet everyone in the morning.”
“I have to meet more people?” I nearly died inside. “Okay, thank you.”
“Night!” She called over to me already making her way up the stairs. I decided to follow her lugging my suitcase up. I was strong enough that it felt like a pencil to me. One of the upsides of being a vampire. I carried it down a long hallway until I came to a room with an open door. I slowly opened it peering around the corners to make sure it was vacant. No one was in the room so I decided to set up camp.
My little nap did me well so I started unpacking my things. I closed the curtains on the window so no light would flood in in the morning. I quickly changed into my pajamas and hopped into a rather larger bed. I hope the sheets were clean.

Morning had finally come and I woke up full of energy. Then I remembered I was supposed to introduce myself to everyone. Just how many people were here? I walked into the closet and pulled out some clothes. I decided to go with a gray t-shirt and black jeans. I threw on some socks and brushed my hair a little. I was pretty sure I had morning breath and I was starting to get hungry. I made my way downstairs anxious and nervous as to who I would find.

What I found was not what I was expecting. It was like I’d entered another world and I didn’t stand out anymore. There were a few people with wings, a girl with bunny ears, I smelled werewolf. Must’ve been the girl from last night Akira. She was over in the kitchen. One girl had green skin. I couldn’t imagine what she was. I continued scanning the room taking everyone else in. There were more creatures here than I’d ever seen. Being surrounded by vampires my whole life, I never ran into other creatures. I must’ve been staring for awhile because someone was in my face staring me down.
“When did you get here?” A boy with short blond hair asked. “I’m Sam.”
“Alice.” I respond quietly. Hopefully no one else will notice me. I wish I could camouflage.
“So what are you?” He was inspecting my face like I had just come from a war.
“I’m a vampire.” I responded. “What are you? You don’t smell like anything.”
“Ah! Another one?” Sam started backing up.
“You must be human!” I exclaim rather excitingly. “Wow, it’s great to be talking to one again! You don’t know how lucky you are!” I should stop talking now. Okay. I obviously miss my human life. Growing up in France was the best thing in the world. I made my way over to the kitchen to see Akira.
She turned around when she heard me coming. “Morning.”
I nodded. “Good morning.”
“You must be hungry. Look in the fridge. I’m sure Sebastian has some leftovers somewhere.”
“Leftovers?” I hate leftovers.
“Look, it’s something, deal with it!” Akira returned to her cooking.
Geesh. I saw the bunny girl bouncing her way over to me. That smile-
“Hi! I’m Karin.” She held out her hand. I shook it. “You must be Alice. Welcome to the club! You’ll have to excuse Akira. She gets cranky in the morning.”
She was cranky at night, just saying.
“I heard that Karin!” Akira muttered. Karin giggled.
“Well, I’ll quickly introduce you to everyone. She brought me back over to the living room where a few others had made an appearance. Even more, just my luck.
She started going around the room naming people. “Everyone this is Alice. She’s a vampire. That’s Sam, as you know the only human here, Ela the Avian, Colette, another vampire; Rano and Toño, they’re twin Bakrus; Griffen, the Wyvern. He’s very particular about that, just to let you know. Over there is Dante, the angel-,” He looked like a dark angel to me, anyway, “Acacia, a mandrake; Aralyn, a shape shifter; Keefer, a wolf shifter; Vevila, and Alp Luachra; Kaki, an Upir; Kateri, a water nymph; Solana, a cloud nymph; Ash, a nymph also; and Travis, a Leprechaun.” She took a breath, “Phew. I made it! And I’m obviously a bunny girl and Akira is a werewolf.”
“Wow.” Was all I could say, “What a group! It’s nice to meet you all.”
Some of them exchanged slight hellos. Then they went on to what they were doing. Good enough for me. I could get used to living here. Right now, I needed to find some food fast.
