Welcome to the Mythological Creatures Club! Are you ready for the hunt?

If you're new around here, please visit the links below! Have any questions? Don't hesitate to message me.

-Introduction, Rules, and FAQ-
-New Character Template-
-List of All Members-
-Table of Contents-
-Story So Far-
-Fan Art-

In the beautiful forests of Virginia, there lives a Werewolf named Akira. She knows probably better than anyone not to trust humans. They've been hunting her and her family for generations. So to protect herself and others like her, she began The Mythological Creatures Club.

Recently, she obtained a strange, foreign hard drive that contained one file: a tracking program. She quickly discovered that it can track any Mythological Creature on the earth, including herself.

And she intends to use it.

But this mysterious hard drive is creating more questions than answers...How is it tracking her and the others? Something's not right here at all.

What started as a club to protect creatures soon turned into a full out investigation to solve a mind-blowing mystery...


Animelover7310- Akira and Sebastian & Charlie

Harvestmoonluvr- Karin, Rano & Tano

WyvernWings- Griffin, Acacia & Solana

Nodin's Profile!

[√] I understand, you have my permission. I wish to join the club.

Name: Nodin

Species: Aerico-human (Because of his human blood, he takes the form of a human and cannot change into a normal Aerico demon, unseen in the air.)

Abilities: Main Power: Toxic breath (whenever he exhales through his mouth, he's breath is filled with plague and disease. He has no control over this power) Other Powers(Basic Demon Qualities (that are weakened because of his human blood)): Invulnerability(though he's been breathing in plagues and diseases and has been sick his whole life, he won't die from it), Longer lifespan (though he ages at the same rate as normal humans), Super Stanima (does not need as much food, water, or sleep as humans(he doesn't eat or drink unless he really needs it, but he sleeps a lot despite not needing it everyday)

Age: 25

Height: 6'4"

Hair: Black

Eye Color: Baby blue (Same color as his mother's)

Skin Color: Sickly pale

Residence: Vancouver, Canada (Born in Swindon, England, the place where his mother lived)

Personality: Indifferent and introverted. He chooses not to speak and instead nods, shakes his head, or shrugs to answer any question (whether it's a yes or no question or not). He will write things out on a notepad or type it up on his cellphone if he ever feels like he has anything to say (which is extremely rare). He's become a paranoid germaphobe (specifically his germs) and constantly cleans or replaces anything he touches, afraid of accidentally spreading sickness where he lives. Other than being clean, he doesn't really care about anything else. Despite his solitude and tendency to be oblivious to what's around him, he's very intelligent, usually getting lost in his own deep thoughts. When someone is talking to him, he may have a lot to say back, but will end up just writing a short sentence as his response because he doesn't want to put the effort in writing all of his thoughts out. He tends to be forgetful, and he likes sleeping.
Appearance: A tall, sickly young man

Outfit/Style: Casual. Usually wears slip on shoes or converses, skinny jeans (because they’re the only things that will fit him), some kind of T-shit and a Khaki hooded Jacket
Looks: Giant bags under eyes, red, irritated eyes that are sunken in, several layers of flu masks, tall, lanky body structure, can see muscles only because he's so skinny, long, skinny fingers, prominent Adam's apple
Likes: learning new things, sleeping, people watching, and adorable things (like kittens and bunnies)
Dislikes: having to put in effort in things he doesn't feel are important

Strengths: Always a clear thinker, no matter the situation. He rarely lets his emotions (if he has any) keep him from making logical decisions. However, this can make him seem merciless.
Weakness: Does not understand teamwork and emotion. Tends to be straightforward and ignores the emotional side of things, causing him to be unsympathetic.
Fears: Seeing people die, germs
Relationships: He’s not really good at talking to people (because he doesn’t talk at all XD) so he is usually misunderstood. Because he likes thinking and imagining different scenarios about other people so much, he tends to make up friendships with other people and pretends to have conversations with them. Sometimes he may think he knows someone just because he thinks about him or her so much. Nodin’s only real relationship is with his dad, Sam. His dad was the one that raised him after his mom died, and he’s the only one that’s ever heard Nodin speak (but the last time he heard him was 15 years ago). Nodin’s dad is extremely protective of him and loves him a lot, though he’s not good at showing it.
Family: Hannah McCalman (Mother); Sammael (Alias his Dad uses)
History: When Hannah conceived Nodin, she fell gravely ill. Throughout her pregnancy, her conditioned continually worsened, her child acting as a parasite feeding off of her life force. Sam was forced to raise and control Nodin due to his inability to control his own disease filled breath, and stayed with him until adult hood. Nodin lives in an apartment in Vancouver, constantly trying to control his breath, watching as the world passes by him.

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A Reunion and an Escape

Alice ---------------------------- It'd been two hours since I'd been dragged through the forest. I was so out of it, I didn't know where I was until a bucket of water was dumped over my head. I screamed and cringed as I tried to shak...

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Falling From Clouds, Walking On Air

Solana ★☽★☾★☽★☾★☽★☾★☽★☾★ Just as a bit of a preface 1)sorry that Solana is so... ah... emotionally distressed... in this. I hate having pathetic characters, but it just kinda... happened that way... S...

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Love Is in the Air..?

New, cute guy in the club? My life was just totally MADE! I couldn't want to tell Solana. Maybe we could double date or something.

"OH. EM. GEE!! SOLANA, SOLANA, SOLANA!! I have super good news!!" I shrieked.

I dashed across the room, practically tackling her and knocking her to the ground.

"What is it, Kateri?" She sighed. I could tell something was wrong.

"What's up? Are you mad I knocked you over? Oh my goodness, I am so, SO sorry! It was seriously an accident. Well, not really, but I didn't know you would get mad. You know what I mean?"
"Oh, it's not you, Kateri....it's.." Tears started pouring down her cheeks. Oh gosh. Comforting people is not exactly my forte.
"Dude, what's wrong? I want to help you, but I totally can't read minds. I'm not Professor X or anything. But how cool would it be if I was? Although, I guess I would be Professor "R", because my last name is Roberts..But I digress. What's wrong?"

She was sobbing so hard I couldn't understand her, but one word came through the sobs: "Ace"

My eyes widened. "Girl, OH NO HE DIDN'T.

Comforting may not be my strong point, but flipping out? That, I can handle. I searched all over for Ace, finally finding him on the second floor. "What the FRACK is your problem?" I screamed.

He jumped. "Oh..Kateri. Sorry, doll face, what do you mean?"

I gave him a scathing look. "Oh, I think you know."

He gave me a half bewildered, half exasperated look. "Um, darling, I'm lost. Can you help me out here."

"Don't play innocent! I've got my eyes on you! You'd better watch your back." I turned around, steaming. Yeah, that ought to teach him.

As I turned, I slammed into someone walking down the hall and flew to the ground.

"Sorry." he muttered. I looked up to see my new, super attractive best friend. Dang it, I bet he saw me freaking out. Flipping out on Ace, then being a total klutz? So much for second impressions.

"Oh my gosh, no, that was totally my fault. Are you okay? Well, since I was the one who fell down, I'm guessing you're fine. Dude, you're pretty strong! You just sent me flying! I mean, granted, I'm pretty little, but hey. Oh, and I since you won't tell me your name, I've chosen one. 'Dylan'. It's cool, right? Don't deny it, it's awesome. I had to choose an awesome name for an awesome person!"

He almost smiled, but hid it quickly. "Um, It's...Keefer." He muttered.

"Oh, much cooler! Well, I can't wait to become better friends!" I grinned.

Keefer pushed past me. I grinned to myself and had to suppress a shriek. Maybe the meeting wasn't so bad, after all!

I turned back to Ace. "Just because events transpired, does not lessen the effect of this dramatic entrance!"

I walked down the stairs, thinking to myself. Things could get better. Ace will come to his senses. And THEN we'll double date. SO not giving up that idea yet.


Hey people! So, please let me know what you think! I appreciate constructive criticism! Thank you~

Healing...at least on the outside

KEEFER "What were you thinking, Keefer? Running off like that. You almost got yourself killed. Where did you go, anyway?...Hello? Are you even listening?" "Huh?" "Wow. Thanks for paying attention and acknowle...

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