New laptop, and thanks!

Hey guys!

Wanted to say that I just got a new laptop (since the old one was having issues), so pardon any strange color activity in my future artwork, haha. The new screen actually seems pretty close to my previous laptop, so I don’t think it’ll be too big of an adjustment on my end, but please let me know if anything looks off! Of course that requires that I draw something first – sorry I’ve been rather quiet the last month or two ^^; Little things kept coming up keeping me busy, and I had an off-site commission I was working on (may post it later; it’s a birthday present, so I don’t want to risk posting it ahead of time even though the recipient isn’t likely to see it). But I’ll get back to it shortly!

Also, I wanted to say a big thank you for all the birthday wishes! You guys are so sweet! I had the misfortune of being sick and kind of down on my birthday this year, but, well, what can you do ^^; There were still some nice things about it, and I was cheered up by all of your gifts and comments ^-^

Ah, and if anyone was wondering about our snow situation, most of that 50+ inches we got from the snowstorm melted really quickly, and we didn’t have any trouble with flooding here. Yay! It actually stayed pretty green after that until last night when several inches fell, but that’s nothing we can’t handle XD

Thanks for reading! Hope you guys are doing well and enjoying December ^-^

(Oh yeah - We got Smash Bros. for the Wii U not long ago! So much fun! :D Love all the Fire Emblem characters.)
