Collection of stories and drabbles; companion pieces to two longer stories, Kasbaarg: Beginnings and Kasbaarg: Legacy.

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If you would like to send a prompt or see a story about specific characters, feel free to ask and I'll see what I can do.

100 Themes

So I decided to do one of these 100 Themes thing. I'll be posting this one by 10's so it's not overwhelming. These are all centered around the Kasbaarg family; Alek, Epona, Laurie, Fricka and Octavian, with occasional appearances from Rolf or one of the Fifteen (Alek's Fifteen or Fricka's)

Bonus points of you can guess who is who when I don't say.


1. Introduction:

Dolph remembered their first introduction. She had ignored him. Laurie said she would warm up eventually.

2. Love:

She had tried killing him the first time they saw each other and as he fended her off he knew he would never love anyone else.

3. Light:

She hated the light...

4. Dark: much as he hated the dark.

5. Seeking Solace:

When things went wrong, Hans often found his bed being invaded in the middle of the night by the slender red-head, seeking solace in his strong arms.

6. Break Away:

Alek always found it hard to break away from her embrace and sometimes he wondered if going to battle was worth it.

7. Heaven:

Fricka had read of heaven once in a Christian text from the Dark Ages. She thought laying in her brother's arms was as close to heaven as she would ever get.

8. Innocence:

When she stood up from driving her dagger home into a skull, Alek had silently mourned at the loss of innocence in his little girl's eyes.

9. Drive:

"Please Rolf? Please please please?"

Rolf looked down at the two sets of eyes staring up at him hopefully and shook his head.


He was sure they would drive him insane by the time the roasting suckling pig was done.

10. Breathe Again:

As he watched her drop her nightgown around her hips and saunter to him, he reminded himself to breathe again.


These are fun. Fun litte dribbles.

Yevin the Tree

I've had writers block, so this is a little nonsense piece I pounded out to help me get over it maybe.


Once upon a time, there lived a little tree in the middle of a field named Yevin.

Yevin was a very happy little tree and had everything a little tree could possibly want. Sunshine, rain, a little bit of breeze to make his trunk strong, no other trees shadowing him out and fighting for the best soil nutrients. Yes, Yevin was a very happy little tree.

One day; a very fine day in early spring, a wee bird came and landed in Yevin's branches, fluffing her feathers and peering herself under his bright green leaves and making happy little bird sounds.

"What news small sister?" Yevin asked, swaying gently as a vagrant breeze glided across the field and through his branches.

"Much news young brother. Farmer Henry recently bought ten fine young cows to replace the ones he lost in the fire." she twittered in reply, stretching a wing out.

"Oh! What kind of cows?"

"I did not see them myself. Brother Crow told me of them and he said they were very fine little Welsh cows."

"Ah yes....I have heard from sister meadow lark of Welsh cows...she said they are very gentle creatures. I wonder if good Farmer Henry will put this field back into use now."

Having finished her preening and stretches, the small sister hopped into Yevin's upper branches, "I know not. But the wind beckons me to be off! Peace to you brother!" she sung, taking flight.

Yevin waved his branches, "And peace to you sister."

The rest of the day was very quiet and peaceful and Yevin entertained several other small birds, each bringing their own bits of news from the woodland and farmland. A mouse paused at his base to shine his whiskers and later a small garter snake coiled in his cool shadow, seeking refuge from the midday sun.

Dawn broke the next morning and pale golden light spilled over the rolling hill into Yevin's field, a cool breeze coming with it. Yevin shook himself, turning towards the warm morning sun, each leaf soaking up the rays and his roots drinking up the morning dew as it fell to the soil from the grasses. At the top end of the pasture, came Farmer Henry, driving his pretty little Welsh cows before him, a staff in one hand to gently prod on a dawdling cow and a black and white dog slinking at his heels, ready at the smallest word to send an errant bovine back onto the path.

Another bit of black and white settled into Yevin's sturdier lower branches and squawked.

"Good morning brother magpie. What has you in a tizzy?" Yevin inquired, while watching the Farmer and his cows.

"Oh! Oh! Such news! In a farm over, last night, a barn burnt to the ground! Such a sight! Two good work horses were stolen and three of the milk cows were lost to the fire!"

"Oh dear...what a loss. Much like what happened to Farmer Henry." Yevin replied.

"Yes, yes! My sister over in the town said that one of the swallows told her that the police are calling it serial arson! Can you believe it!? Of all the things to happen here!" Brother Magpie squawked, then hopped to the ground to inspect a shiny bit of rock.

"Well I really must be off! So much news to tell!" he said, before taking flight, black feathers glistening in the sun.

Yevin waved, "Goodbye then brother."

By this time, Farmer Henry had gotten his cows into the new field and was leaning on the closed gate, watching them look about before spreading out and fall to grazing contentedly. Yevin was content as well, for although he had company coming in and out all throughout the day, there was no one there constantly. Now, however, there were ten pretty little cows he could watch all day and never feel alone...provided they did not rub on him or lick his leaves off. He wasn't sturdy enough to bare a rubbing yet, but in a few more years he hoped to be.

The cows paid him little mind during the day, but that night, they all bedded down around him and Yevin was a very happy tree as he dozed off while the sun disappeared from sight. Several hours later, he woke to concerned lowing and shifting about from the cows and horrifying red flames licking the grass towards him, pushed from behind by a strong breeze.

Needless to say....Yevin did not survive. The cows managed to get away, so Farmer Henry wasn't out anything except one field and a small tree.




Kiss the Moon part 2

Chapter two of Kat's trade story. Warning: If you don't like thinking about animals being hurt or killed, might not want to read this. It's not graphic, but I know how some people are. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

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Kiss the Moon part 1

Part one of SaiKat's trade story. I hope you like it so far Kat. >.< It looks long, but its only four pages so far.. --------------------------------------------------------- A fierce wind whipped silver hair and flowing...

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Blast from the Past

While in the process of packing, I stumbled upon my old spelling notebook with some stories in it. Writing this out is sort of...therapy, to counter pre-moving depression...*shrugs* maybe it will brighten someone elses day as well.

Snarky comments will be in bold.


This is a ficton story!

In some countries, such as Dreary Land, people do not have insurance this is important..why? or fancy cars, however most of the people are indiffernt about it, but there are the few that envy the well dressed employee's that work for the cruel Sultan, the employee's that dine nightly on their cows which they grabed from the homley cow herders, which every night hurry home from grazing their sheep wait, I thought they were cow herders... on distant pastures, or else be devored alive by fever inducing insects, almost a half an inch in diameter, these frightening bugs were formaly disloyal subjects of the Sultan. Finally! A period! These things had torn down the newly constructed grain elevator, estimated to have cost 500 pounds. Soon after they had enjoyed the fallen grain, they happily headed into the city, and people scattered in all directions! Poor Yadisha's Wth?? grandma was to formal however to run, and was snatched and was inserted into a vile mouth and hereafter was deducted into nothing. Healthy school kids hurried home, but one triped on a hose and was devored alive! Here inclosing I must say I was honored to be discussing this dreary tale. and remember this is only fiction!




It was the bottom of the ninth, the servants were running around selling p-nuts and soda pop. Servants working baseball games...hmmm The owners of the park were watching the parade folks recite the 5th amendment, through a pair of binoculars. We had just made a purchase of cotton candy,when it happened! A 95 mile an hour fast ball hit the lead singer in the back of the head. What the heck kind of baseball game is this? Now the singer was a refined painted from Paris. As we looked at the man we saw him turn pale and then fall on a patch of ice. Now we had a problem. Ice at a baseball game with singers and parades? Yeah, I'd say we have a problem You see the anoncer had failed to anonce that he had notifed the town officels. But they weren't let in because they didn't have a pass.
So someone made a proposition "We must revive him" they yelled. They scouted around, and soon they found a man that was a Doctor by profession, but his prices were to high. We all had overlooked to call 911 and so the lead singer died. how tragic It got quiet as we paid our respects, then we selected a very religious man to say a few words, and the after time of reflection, everyone returned to there homes. The owners proposed that the park never be opened again.
The End.


*Twitch twitch*
