
From Kakuzu's perspective; Written by Stitch

I wasn’t surprised that Hidan didn’t last long, he was an idiot after all. While the brat was busy with Hidan I took the time to study him, his techniques. I was going to have fun with this, but he was good...

The brat turned, looking at me with a smug grin on his face “Looks like it’s just you and me, Stitchy.”

“You sound so determined, don’t let it get to your head kid” His cockiness was starting to get on my nerve

“Enthusiasm is the key....You're the one who wanted to cash in my uncles corpse.”

“Tch” All this talk is annoying, I should just take his head and be done with it.

“I dislike you just as much. And now I can actually utilise my taijutsu”

I stared him down “Join the line kid”

He rolled his eyes at me then appeared right in front of me, trying to hit me, but I was faster and used my earth release: earth spear, hardening myself. I smirked under my mask. He’s going to have a hard time trying to land blows while I’m like this.

“Shit-“ The brat back flipped out of the way, shaking his hand “Thick skin...”

I watched him as his skin turned red. What is he up to...

His cockiness dried up a bit “Looks like I’m gonna have to actually try with you!”

I tapped into my speed and appeared in front of him, trying to land a kick to the side of his head but he evaded it. I was quick to think his cockiness had dried up completely...

“In a battle of speed versus strength, I wonder who'll win” He smirked at me while trying to sidesweep my legs but it was an obvious move and I dodged it. Can he be any more like an open book.

“Hmm, for an old guy you’re pretty lithe.”

I glared at him, while detaching my forearm and sending it right at him, grabbing him by the throat.

“You should ask Kakashi about my speed, he can tell you all about that” My voice was deeper, and my grip tightening

“Heh, I be-“ The tightened grip cut him off and I felt him tense. Suddenly he exhaled ash and surrounded himself, igniting it.

I immediately let him go, retracting my forearm. He decided to put distance between us, not like it mattered to me.

“Good thing at full speed, I’m faster than even Kakashi” He vanished from sight and appeared behind me but I was quick, spinning around and deflected it with my hardened arm. He grabbed my arm and blindsided me, kicking my under my jaw

I didn't react in time to harden that part, I grunted from the kick and glared at him “It will take more than mere kicks and punches to do real damage to me...”

“You want me to scorch your ass?” He gained distance again and performed handsigns, sending a Wind Cutter towards me, letting out some gunpowder from his mouth, but I vanished from the wind cutter’s path.

“Where are you, you gold digging bastard” He’s really starting to push my buttons.

I appeared behind him, kicking him in the back “Gold digging bastard am I...” I watched him roll along the ground and got back up.

“From what I hear, all you care about is cash” he was right, partially...

“I have a fondness for money, among other things” The brat surrounded himself in ash again, though I got clear of it “Your ash is beginning to annoy me...”

And here was the cockiness again…. “Sorry, it’s part of my clan’s repertoire. I’d hate to bother you...And ash doesn’t just blind you, it clings to you” I glared at him then he ignited the ash on me, I saw through it and hardened my entire body.

“Tch” Irritating brat

“That skin of yours is starting to annoy me! What if I peel it off of you, bit by bit?!”

“Good luck, kid” I cocked my head to one side, slightly amused by his idle threat

“Hey, I’ve done it before”

I sighed, wishing I didn’t have to explain this “My skin is hard like diamond. I’d love to see you try...Hm, I think I’d like to collect your heart too” Hell, I need new ones....

“I’ll just peel it off you after I kill you” He paused, letting my threat sink in “You’ll have to show me something other than your hard skin if you want that to be a possibility”

Time to put him in his place

“I was hoping to not have to resort to this, but if I must….” I said deeply while shrugging off my cloak

He eyed me “If you’re planning to go all out, get over here so I can cut off your head. Save us both the time”

I used my earth grudge fear, releasing my four masks from my back “The only head that is coming off, besides Hidan’s, is yours”

“Tch! I’d like to see you try!” Oh how I wish he would just shut up already

Controlling my masks, I sent forward my lightning one and used lightning release: false darkness, he managed to dodge it, only just but I kept up the attack on him. He sent several wind cutters, trying to negate the lightning attack. I tapped into my speed again and appeared in front of him, punching him off into the distance. He recovered by grabbing a tree.

Time to put him through his paces

“Let’s see if you can concentrate on me and my masks at the same time” He smirked at me, wiping blood from his mouth.

“Let’s see!” I watched him summoning wind chakra to his hands then appeared infront of my lightning mask, destroying it. I flinched from it and glared at him. “It was annoying me, sorry” cocky little shit

“You’ll pay for that” my tone getting darker, but he still smirked

“I’d like to see you try and collect”

I sent forward my fire mask, using fire release: intelligent hard work. It hurdled a fireball at him, growing in size as it covered the distance but he just stood there and inhaled the fireball. “That, was a lot of fire”

“I can make it more intense if you like” I reply, with a small amount of amusement to my voice.

“Keep it coming, geezer. I could do this all day.”

I fuse my wind and fire masks together, he arches an eyebrow at me “those things are fugly. Almost as much as you.”

I combined the power of the two masks, increasing the fire storm hurdling at him.

Enough of this shit “I’ve had enough of your smart mouth”

“Damn...That’s a lot of fire” He performed a hand sign and turned my firestorm to ash “If I have to burn your body to a crisp then so be it.” I glare at him again.

“Using fire techniques against a prominently fire affinity producing clan, not a smart move.” He was right, I wouldn’t beat him using my fire mask….”Tch”

I watched him bend over and pick up a rock then throw it at one of the combined masks but I made them evade the rock, though I was not quick enough to evade him kicking through my fire mask, destroying it. I retaliated using wind release: pressure damage, he countered with a blade of fire but I had the mask dodge it. He performed another set of hand signs and used something called “Flame Dragon Bullet” sending it at my wind mask, I tried to evade the attack but he increased its size, taking out my mask.

Shit...I cannot lose to this brat. I returned my final mask to my back. I need to protect this one

“It’s been a long time since I’ve lost this many hearts...”

He cracked his neck “Well, it’s about time you lost them all again. Ready to finish this?”

“Only if you’re ready to lose your head” I’m not going to let him beat me. I used my earth spear to harden my fists.

“We’ll see who’s going to be the one losing their head.” I eyed him cautiously as he summoned chakra to his arms and feet then run at me, jumping in the air to bring his foot down on me but I extended the earth spear up my arms and blocked his kick. Though he only kicked off my arms and went over my head, throwing a kunai at my back, sadly for him though I had hardened my back.

“Damn that fucking trick of yours!”

I smirked at him, spinning around and detaching my forearm again sending it speeding at him with a hardened fist and hit him square in the chest which sent him flying backwards. He had grabbed some kunai, charged them with lightning and sent them at me but I evaded them, except he had sent a fourth kunai, trapping me.

“Smart move I’ll give you that”

“You’ve got to be smart when facing the Akatsuki.” Well he got one thing right about us

“So, you do have some brain after all.”

“Took you long enough.” He stemmed lightning in the area I was trapped in.
I encased my whole body with earth spear. I don’t know how much longer I can last...

He got my last mask

“You brat...” I’m done.

I stumbled forward and fell

Suddenly I noticed another figure kicking him in the head, it was Alex. She landed beside me and gave me an extra heart.

“What the-“ the kid recovered from the blow to his head

Alex looked at me “You okay honey?” I can always count on her if I ever need a helping hand. I got up, then Hidan reminded me he was still around...

“HEY! WHY ISN’T ANYONE WORRIED ABOUT ME!” I want to shut him up.

I turned my attention back to Alex “We need to get out of here, I have no masks left, and Hidan is in pieces” She nodded at me, she knew what had to be done.

Alex stuffed the parts of Hidan, and his head into a bag, swinging it over her shoulder.

“BITCH I WILL END YOU! I WILL RIP A HOLE THROUGH THIS BAG WITH MY TEETH!” he was furious, as usual, and irritating me

“Do you want your mouth to be stitched shut...I’ll put you back together later”

“Boys, boys, lets fight later!” Alex grabbed my arm, putting it over her other shoulder and took off into the air. I glanced down at the brat as he collapsed, I missed my bounty on him but he put up a good fight. I might not have a fight like that again…….But it sunk into me that we lost, Hidan and I lost. We need to step up our game when it comes to the brats from the Leaf.