Girl Fight

Satomi watched as the two women battled it out in the sky above her. She felt helpless, not being able to fight for fear of hurting Kimiko.

I can't use any long-distance... what can I throw that will only attack the strange creature and not Kimiko...


Quickly preforming handsigns, Satomi stuck her hand into the ground and summoned five cats. "Attack the one in black" she said, then grabbed one and threw it at the two as it meow-screeched.

As it began viciously attacking Puppet, Satomi grabbed another and tossed it.

"Awww! They're cute!" the creature exclaimed as another one landed on it. Extending its claw-like hands, it grabbed one and bit into its neck, the body going limp as it began taking more bites. The cats ran from the creature as Satomi began to panic.

I... I just killed a cat... I didn't think...

"What the hell is she!?" Kimiko yelled, bringing Satomi back into the conversation. "She uses senjutsu, my technique won't work on her!"

Satomi winced as the creature coughed up a furball, then turned to Kimiko. "If you get in too close to her, I can't use any long-range techniques in case I hit you!"

Kimiko yelled back, "Well if my technique worked, she'd be down for the count already and none of this would be happening! I'm a long distance fighter too you twit!"

Satomi turned back to the strange creature as it performed hand signs, ready to fight once more. "Then let's work with that!"