First off, you should go visit my girlfriend Ai's world. She's the sweetest, cutest, most adorable girl EVAR. I will assassinate those who dare oppose me!! I'm NOBLE, the one who constantly updates rants about shizz, basically all the time! This is my world, my HOME. I am letting all of you into my HOME so be flucking careful with my shizz! ):<

Ok, so now that I'm done being a freaking moron, huhuh, I'll begin. :B So I'm going to be updating stuff on here whenever I feel like it, and maybe people will just care enough to stop by. If you stop by.. I DEMAND THAT YOU COMMENT! I hate seeing when people visit the worlds and they don't comment.
(Seriously. I will go coockoo-ca-choo-on-you. You don't want that.)
I'm a pretty decent guy I think. Some people might not really like me, I'm someone who LOVES to talk and I will talk about ANYTHING, if there isn't anything to talk about then I will COMPLAIN and if there isn't something to stop me from complaining I will get ANGRY at being BORED and will FLIP OUT. :B I have my up and down days, I'm pretty annoying after a while, and I like to cuss and be violent. j/k, I am the BEST EVER. Seriously, I'm so badass.. It's insane.

Do whatever you like here, just make sure you comment, I love comments. When you comment, comment about the post, not just random things, that's what Messaging is for!! If you don't follow those rules then I will hunt you the fluck down. Say what you want to say, I don't care what it is. Speak your mind I won't censor you or anything. You got something to say to me than just flucking say it! lmfao. later


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~Noble, BiAtch ;P

I'm being sooo forgetful

I should have written down what I wanted to post today. I can only remember a few things, ehh. I guess that's okay, it'll be less too write/read. huhuh. So I woke up today laughing because Lulu was licking my neck and chin, huhuh.. I'm ticklish there. How she ever got into the room and on my face is a mystery. My bro probably put her there. today was day of silence and all, I participated. :B There were people who MOCKED me though. >:( This guy who 'took the opportunity' to tell me things he wouldn't because I would talk back otherwise. That's a REAL man right there, yup. My friend was making fun of me about it, he was saying things like.. Well inappropriate stuff, but he was saying that if I wanted/was true whatever he said, to DON'T say anything. I also think I lost a friend. ): I wasn't talking and she aske me why, I gave her the little day or silence note and said Oh, I didn't think you were like that. And avoided me for the rest of the day. Hell, if she's like that I don't want her as a friend anyway. And concidering the way I act and dress, how could someone NOT guess? lmfao. I think I'm just going to stop talking. People say that they enjoyed the silence, so give the people what they want.

During P.E. I was running the track and I saw a crow. I passed by that area again.. and saw two crows. I could see this was becoming an epidemic so I don't know I kind of ran close by to them to see if they would get scared off but then they flew at me. The crows attacked Noble. D': What did I ever do to them? huh.. *shot* Haha, Lulu's fighting with my foot and bit my toe. >__<
I keep hitting my head too. This is the fifth time this week that I bumped into something or had something hit my head. AGGHHH. I ran into a poll is what happened. Maybe I hit my head so much I'm losing my memory. OMG I'm bored. and hungry. hmmm, haven't eaten in a while.
Oh.. forgot to mention that I had a weird conversation with a hobo. It was after school and I was just walking around. I saw this building that was totally being obliterated so I stayed to watch, huhuh. I swear, those machines look like freakin' dinosaurs. Anyway I'm watching the industrial carnage when this hobo with a backpack started talking to me. I didn't want to be rude, so I answered him. We just talked about how fun it was to watch things get destroyed and shizz. After a while he left. Nice guy.


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But it's so tempting.

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A true rebel yo

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This is how I would deal with my kid.

YEAHHH.. My mamma just made me a burritooo~ Whooo~

Don't comment.

When aliens rain from the sky

Dudeeeeeee.. Today was soooooo weird. XD Nothing relly happened during school because everyone knows classes and everything are boring and whatever. After school is a different stry though. :B I was with some of my buds when we passed by a classroom where a club was watching a movie. Whie we passed by we heard someone just say out loud that a character in the movie is weird and they didn't like hm because he was acting, dressing, and being pretty gay. We don't know what the movie was about or anything but we just HAD to do something about it. So me and this guy pretended that we were going for each other and being all loud about it. We're such retards, lmfao. At least I got some pretend action. :B *Is shot multiple times* I also feel like a big ass =__=' I was making jokes about things while we were chilling with some teacher and there was a TV there. Some commercial comes up that reminds me of cancer and I say OMFG, it's cance. The Teacher is like Noble, calm down. But I keep going at it explaining how it looks like cancer the way it's spreading and shizz. The teacher then is like Ahem... Then it dawned on me. I totally forgot that the teacher we were chilling with had fought off cancer when he was younger. *Beaten to a pulp andlit on ire* I didn't mean to make it sound like I was making fun of him or anything like that D': I honestly forgot that he had cancer before. I started moping about it to my friends and one of them is like Shhh, it's okay Noble, then he grabbed my head and pressed me against him trying to 'make me feel btter' I guess that means not letting me breathe, lmfao. While he was yelling to Shush and everything another one of my friends is like Grab his boobs! So we all just started laughing at that, huhuh...
While I was walking home, this random dude just started following me. o__O He starts talking to me, just saying Hey, What's up? and What's your name? and Where I'm going, Is it far? Soooo... I'm like, Name's Noble, not much, going home from school, it's three blocks down. So he's like ahhhh.. I don't know, it was weird. He was asking me what I usually do after school, how long I stay after and if I like walking home. Followed me all the way then turned the complete opposite direction after I go to my driveway. lol? Funny thing is my mom told me that it's a good thing my foot's better so that I can run if anyone was ever after me, just this morning. huhuh... Speaking about my mom, she got ANOTHER DOG. O__O The dog is adorable though. So now we have two. We have Daisy, the Daschhund, and our newest family member *Insert name here*, the Miniature toy chihuahua. XD We still have to figure out a name for her. My bro was like Let's name her Zelda! As IF. (He just recently got a new Legend of Zelda game h's been obsessed about.) She's two months old and she is sooooooo small. Usually I'm not a fan for chihuahua's, but she's just sooooooo small. D: I can't help not want to hold and cuddle her. She fits in the freaking palm of my hand! So yeah.. Huhuh... She's sleeping on my lap. XD

Ohh.. I almost forget, some friends also want to start a club at school, it'll be a parody of the school newspaper and have a lot of satire and Irony in it. The person in charge of Clus and groups said that we can have the club started if we have somebody to sponcer it. :B She also said that once we find somebody to go back to her and she'll cover what we can and can't write about and about appropriateness. I could have WORN she looked at me when she said that. >__> Huhuhuh, m? Oh, I'm an ANGEL miss, don't worry ;D I won't have ANYTHING inappropriate written. But I just love being inappropriate and writing inuendoes sooo much, AGHHHH..
Oh, we all just decided that her name is Lulu. :B


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Nobody cares about my dayyy
I feel so unloved Q__Q

Today's a big WTF. Q___Q

My bad day started while I was sleeping.. I had this creepy ass dream where I'm in my room then there's this giant white thing that runs at me and grabs onto my shoulders. That thing was like paper white, had two long fingers on each hand, was about seven feet tall, no ears or hair, had a gaping mouth and a cut-off tongue, and it's eyes were sewn shut. I told that to my bro and he's like That's flucked up man.
lmfao, I guess in my dream I was thinking oh shit. right? But come to think of it, the creature thing didn't have much of a bad feeling to it, actually made me kind of teary eyed. Idk, I'm crazy, huhuh. I woke up with the feeling that today was going to be a looong day. (I WAS RIGHT.)

When I got to school, there was this girl who sits behind me. While I was zoned out I felt something on my ear.. so I'm thinking wtf, and turn around to ask her wtf she was doing, and she says Oh, I just licked your ear. Um, I don't know about people and whatever, but I think if random people just lick you, then that's weird. It might not be weird if I TALKED to her, but I don't, so yeahhhhh.. Later on, there's this guy who just randomly comes up to me and asks me if I like being groped by my friends. (wtf, who asks that) I told him that I don't really mind but WHY? he said no reason, and left. D:< ~Insert cuss word of choice~ A few minutes later he came back and told me that he had a dream where he had his camera, and that I took it to make a porno with some of my friends. I tell him.... That's funny. Sure as Fluck won't ever HAPPEN. but funny. Sure is nice to know that I'm in some guy's weird porno dreams. >__<
My earphones tried to kill me.. I got really bored and was going to listen to my ipod when I noticed a string on the earbud. I was going to take it off but it ZAPPED me. That's when I realized that it wasn't a piece of string or anything, it was a freaking wire. ~Death~
My friend forced me to sing in the hallway during Lunchtime, too. She threatened to beat me if I didn't, so I sang. huhuh. I also found out that a guy I hang out with won the talent show, and got fifty bucks. :B Apparently he went kind of crazy and juked everything on stage to some Lady Gaga songs, lmfao. Good for him.

Somebody told me that they're making a little freaking voodoo doll of me. D':< She says that my ex told her to do it.. What a bitch. I didn't even DO anything to make my ex pissed that I know about, so why the hell is she telling people to make voodoo dolls of me, like life doesn't suck enough already? I feel so loved.
My friends did try to cheer me up a little though, they were being tards and shizz, lmfao.. Saying that since it's spring they're going to start attracting the females soon and all that, I told them they have a better chance of attracting themselves, huhuhuh... I think I should have skipped today, it was an overall bad day for me, and I was feeling pretty crappy and in emo corner mode most of the time. At one point I looked up across the classroom and there was this scary chick just like, glaring at me. She made the goosebumps go up my spine. So scary.. *sniff* I think I'm going to try to skip tomorrow, or one of these days this week or next.

That was my day. I'm home now just in my room with my music on way loud. Nobody is allowed in!!! I'm probably going to have to get out sometime soon though because I'm starting to get hungry.. Oh, and last time that I posted, I totally forgot to put up some of those silly images, lmfao

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Comment meeeeee
Radda Radda Radda?
Wakka Wakka Wakka!

Omgf, I was just attacked by a Weenie the Pooh helium balloon
I'm dying... So long little emo kid... Fare thee well... Q__Q

~Fades away into nothingness~




(Is this a little bit too much..?)
It doesn't matter D': All I'm good for is doing the laundry, and picking out music! (My music taste IS pretty good though, huhuhuh...)
Bot now I'm just being beaten with a stick on the head. Oh sorrow..

~Still dead~

You have to be kiddng me

I went to bed at midnight and woke up at ten am :B That was agood sleep, but I'm still sleepy for some reason. AGHHH, weekends almost overrrrrr D': I can't wait for summer to get here. I'm listening o Bullet For My Valentine right now yo. I'm soooo bored. I got in trouble a little earlier and it wasn't even my fault! D:< I was cleaning the room and whatever, and my bro begs me to put his laundry in the drying machine, so I say suurrrrrreeeee... I was going to go, but I told him that there was already clothes drying in there. He said that he knows but to just do it anyway. So I think whatever, and go do it. A few minutes later my mom comes up to me and asks me Why I took out her clothes. I told her my bro told me to do it, then she went on this lecture/rant with me about how we can't just do whatever we want and have to respect others and whatever. She clearly didn't hear me say IT WAS MY BRO WHO TOLD ME. >__< I did tell Honor about it later, but he just said he doesn't care. My sister won't stop screwing around with my hair either, she's like scratching my head like a dog. whaa...


Long post and picture I talked about

Okay, so I'm just going to start off by saying that I'm going to talk A LOT in this post, because I'm going to be talking about what's been going on with my life in the past few days. huhuh :B I've been carrying a pen and paper all freaking day. I jotted down anything I thought would be good to mention in the post.. At some point, I lost my pen and the only other thing I could find to write with was my eyeliner.. yikes, I wondered why the pencil was writing funny! 8D A couple of days ago my foot was officially NOT broken anymore, huzzah! Although the first couple of steps I took on it were a shock to my foot, by the end of that day I was jumping around again. I got some HUGE packet from somebody to study for a big test that we have when school starts again.. That pissed me off soooo bad. We were in spring break the whole week, and the girl finally decided to give me my study packet on a Thursday. >:( I trimmed my own hair, too. My mom hates it, I think it looks cool... I just fixed the front, I think that I'll probably still need to get an 'official' hair cut thing in like a month now. >__> Pssh, Whateva'. There was this one girl that talked to me asking if I knew where a store was. She was really short, and she had a LOW shirt on, I mean as in, I-don't-know-if-you're-even-wearing-that-shirt low. O.O Of course, when she talked to me I HAD to look down at her in order to make contact, and when I did that, she yelled at me saying that I'm perverted and gross. wtf, I wasn't being perverted, and even if I was why the fluck would you wear a shirt that's so revealing if you don't want people to look at your shizz? It's all out there! >:O

Ahem, anyway... When I was home, I was bored and just drew on myself :B With pen and marker! It was fun. For a while at least, huhuhuh~ I made myself look like graffiti.. OFF TO THE SHOWER WITH ME.

Oh, and I went on a trip yesterday to go visit a college fair thing. I went along with Zeek, Razz, and Ian. The trip getting there was sooooo funny. Ian was driving, Razz went in gunshot, me and Zeek were in the back. I was annoying Ian and Razz a lot I think. I was kind off hitting Ian when he would try to be smart with me and he'd say things like Did you know that there's a law stating that it's illegal to hit the driver? and stuff like that and then would threaten to go back to where we were sitting just to beat me, lmfao. We were all goofing off though, except it looked like Razz was mostly sleeping the way there, so we took some ice cubes from a cooler we had in the car and stuffed them in his shirt and jeans. He totally flipped out. XD (We're horrible people, I know. It was just so flucking funny.) We had a lot of candy and junk food to eat while getting there, so maybe that's why. Ian gave me a nickel to shut up until we got there, but you see... This nickel was very shiny.. I just had to show off my new prize to the world.. I took my nickel and showed it to Zeek, omfg. I messed up what I was going to say and ended up saying out loud to look at my shiny nipple. XD Jebuz. Everyone cracked up. I told them all to shut up and called them obscenities. :3 That's when Zeek banned me from cussing, huhuh.. I still cuss though

When we actually got to the college fair, it wasn't as fun. I think that I had more fun GETTING there than being there. We got separated and got lost from each other for a while, I was bored and just wandered around. I think I saw a random clown then.. o_O To make it weirder, this clown looked like he had tattoos down his arm and maybe on his neck. I love tattoos, but I don't think that's a clown I would ever want to bring to a party. ever. After a while we all found each other, agreed that we were bored and went to have subway. I enjoy eating it fresh.

So, after that we started on our way back home. Problem is that we got lost on our way back It took about a half hour longer than it should have. We caused utter HAVOC in that car I tell you. It was war, me and Zeek wrestled for a while, I accidentally kicked Razz in the back of his head and he just looked at me with this look on his face. I can't describe it. I think it was a face in between hearing a really funny joke and wanting to murder someone. Xp But yeah, we got back and as soon as I got dropped off home (it was almost eleven at night) I went to my room, typed up yesterday's update, and crashed. I woke up feeling so much better and refreshed. :D I've needed to have a nice long sleep for a while now. For breakfast, I let myself have cookies and milk, I'm really nice! Throughout the day I walked around, met up with my tree-lover a couple of times even. Xp jk, lmfao. But I did meet somebody today, some entrepreneur that made his own graphic design company. We had an interesting talk about computers and website stuff. (I know nothing about web design.)
I was being a spaz today (I still am) the good night's sleep left me feeling really hyper! I went to go hang out at a gym nearby, when I got there I met up with some people I recognized from school and played volleyball with them. They asked if I wanted to join and I said suuurrrreeeee... The game was no fair. D': It was three against two, I was one of the two. After the game started, the guy who was on my team left and then it was three against one. COME ON. by the end of the game, my arms were so sore. All pink and red from hitting the ball.. At least I kept my ground! >Xp Only thing is that during the game I hit the volleyball wrong and the shock went up all of my fingers, that hurt really bad, but I shook it off after a few minutes. There was somebody else I recognized from school too. This guy I hate that's like a muscle fanatic jock, and he was all sweaty and he needs to shave BAD. He is so hairy that I think a monkey would be jealous. >__>'

That's all the stuff that I've done the past few days. :B And now for the funny picture of me making out with a tree and kicking someone's crotch, lmfao ;D


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I look so stupid :B you can see the awesome job I did on my schweet hair clipping~
I feel bad for that poor guy. That face was just the beginning of what he did... lol. *hits self* Bad Noble

Soooo... any questions? :) Talk to meeeee...

I will hate everyone who doesn't comment. O__O

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COMMENT ME.. o_O Or I will hunt you down and beat you.
jk, lmfao :3
Me sorry~
Noble is just hyper.
and violent.


~~Ugh.. I'm going to explode.. I ate X__X Why do I always over eat? huhuh. My little cousin came over and I had to take care of her again.. After everyone was gone and I went to check up on her, she was watching tv and saw me. All she said was, please go away. Ouch. Noble is unloved by his young cousin. D': After all of the times I've made her cheese sandwiches, played tickle monster with her, and given her piggyback rides. Even after I forgave her after every time she would mercilessly kick and/or hit me and/or my crotch! D'X

...jk, lmfao. She just likes her teletubbies. T__T'
