RP'ing With Me

Here are a few pointers when RPing Chandacy:

  • After the war, she became quiet and distant. Most likely, she won’t say a word around most people. However, if she does, her answers will be brief and cold.
  • Chandacy will always be tired. After the war, she developed Nightmare Disorder, which causes her to fear sleeping. She’ll be groggy and have trouble concentrating.
  • Due to her lack of sleep, her Flame Body will be more chaotic, so she started to wear her gloves again.Unless she has to, like in order to take care of someone, she will not touch anyone.
  • Any type of water (rain, snow, rivers, oceans) does not agree with Chandacy. While she can swim and stand outside in the rain, it doesn’t take long before she starts to feel weak.
  • Since she no longer sleeps, most nights she will be found outside in the forest.