Happy Halloween!

So tonight was okay despite me feeling under the weather and tonight's weather was bad. They were calling for tornados. I got to hand out candy to the brave trick or treaters who faced the storm (wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be though it might get worse)
The tricker treaters will probably visit tomorrow. We got pleanty of candy!
I wanted to set up a camp fire and roast marsh mellows but that couldn't happen cause of the rain poo
I got to watch a lot of movies like The Witches, The Halloween Tree (My Favorite), Monsters University and I also watched Cloud Atlas. Well most of it, that movie was trippin' balls.
Oh here's a pic of me in my "costume"

I wanted to dress up as Plagued doctor but it was too late finding a costume and now I'm collecting Venetian masks!
Hope you all have a good one!
