Me and My dog Buddy

I've taking walks around the neighborhood with my dog Buddy. He's around 13 years old and a mix breed. Half golden retriever and half great paranesse (it's a type of sheep dog I think). He's really pretty especially after he's groomed.

Today Buddy got out bad boy! He likes to run out of the house whenever there's a chance. I try to cure him from these urges by taking him on walks more often but he still tries to get out. So when he busted out for the umpteenth time again I grabbed his leash and went after him.

I found him on the block behind us and I ran over to him. I was told you not suppose to run after him or he'll run away (he thinks you want to play chase or something) But instead of running away he ran towards me! It made me very happy ^_^ It could have something to do with the lease. He was probably thinking in his little doggy mind "Lease! Time for a walk!"

I wish I could put up a picture of him. I'll try to in the near future :)
