
Tessa had scared me so much i jumped about 3 feet in the air. She just walked up behind me and asked "Anything wrong?" im glad that shes nice enough to worry about me but not glad that i had to think of something before saying something. And that took me about 3 minutes before i could answer.
Finally i turned around and smiled. "Nope. Just a realization came over me."
"Whats that?" she asked innocently.
I chuckled silently. "Nothing." she didn't say more. I bet she was on to me. I still had to decide whether or not i wanted to do what the guy named Leon asked me to do. He just wanted to talk to her right? Not anything else?
I went and sat down on a rock watching Spati and Moonsong still. Moonsong and Spati smiled at each other and flew up to a tree where they sat and talked some more. This surprised me. Moonsong and Spati had wings. Not just me. But theres were diffrent. Spati had what looked around 40 wings but Moonsong only had two but they shimmered like oil on water with a trillion diffrent colors. Mine were like hawks.
I continued thinking. Once Moonsong met with Leon what would he talk about? Was he giving the group a warning? Was Leon an enemy or a friend? I never thought about this and this just made me more worried. What if Moonsong did something to Leon? That would explain why he called her dangerous and then that question led too "Would he hurt her?"

I buried my head in my hands and thought some more. The small creature i saw before on top of the big creature came over. I smiled and dug in my pockets for some food. Only a small crum. I fed it to the animal and finally decided i would do what he said.

If i didn't then he would return me to my dead body back somewhere in my town, and if he did anything to Moonsong then i would help her and who cares what he does to me. As long as Moonsong is allright and all her friends with her.
