Hello and welcome to cleo's world this is a blog about my orginal character cleo kingsly. She's a bit of a narsassist ah who am i kidding she's the biggest narsacisst on the planet.Anyway just enjoy the life of this narcasstic kitty!

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helloooo peasants long time no see i have been at my cousins house and they don't have internet so that was fun anyway i'm finally home and i downloaded this otome game called the second reproduction i started this morning and i already love the demon lord but i kinda feel bad for my knight or whatever also i have some very depressing news ok so you know how i finally fixed my psp yeah i kinda lost the memory stick which had all my games and stuff in it so i'm like super sad luckily i saved all my games in a folder in my computer and i just need a new memory stick and BAM! otome game heaven here i come oh yeah i also started this anime called the world god only knows i never knew the show was this awesome i mean i used to think it would be dumb but then i decided to watch the first episode and i was hooked personally me and keima kun should be soul mates i mean come on me and him play otome games all the time we both own psp's and were awesome! so yeah ok i have to sleep so おやすみ~!

lala elmo's world~!

hi peasants oh my gosh finally i have internet i was staying at my cousins house for the week and their internet wasn't working so i had a hard time finding amusement. anyway i'm starting school next month and i have finally come to terms with my irrational fear of school i mean as long as i stop and become serious i can finally figure out what i want you know? so i've decided after many days and hours thinking that i should focus on my studies with two more years of high school left i don't have time to be hesitant and worry about stupid things like friends and where i'm sitting during lunch anyway my sister and i have finally become good friends before i was hesitant to trust her with anything after all the crap that happened between us in the past so we're friends now i still don't trust her with my secrets but we're starting to have conversations and stuff very short and very very awkward conversations but we're talking at least that's better than nothing but we're getting there i mean there is still alot i don't know about her the only thing i know about her right now is that she's a twitter fanatic and her birthday is june first. weirdly enough she knows a lot about me since i began the habit of talking out loud to myself since me and her are the only girls in my seven member home so since there was no one to talk to i talked to my self about my day one thing nobody knows about me is that i really hate diaries because anyone can find and use it against for me everyone is an enemy regardless of blood relation or not so i like to say my stuff out loud to myself and forget about it and someone happens to hear i just shrug my shoulders and say "whatever happens happens fate must have it out for me" that may be something weird to say for some people but it makes me feel safe without that i would be a nervous wreck well anyway i have to go for tonight good night~!


i dont want to go to school i am terified of school the only friends that i've had which are only to have moved away one moved to north dakota and the other moved to freakin' CANADA!!! these were the only two people i actually talked to and i am horriable at making friends like absolutley horriable actually i just thought of an idea i am gonna focus on my studies i am entering 1oth grade in a month and since i eff'd up my ninth grade year i'm gonna become the biggest nerd. i signed up for two cool classes one fashion design but the teacher kind of scares me and the second class is game design so that kind of cheers me up also i just noticed people are scared of me not in a omg she can beat me up kind of way they're scared in a kind of omg she eats kittens for breakfast kinda scared the problem is i don't smile unless i'm talking to my friends or fake smiling to a teacher other than that half the time my face is completley expressionless thats why i don't make alot of friends also fun fact of the day i have this problem with my eye sometimes it's straight other times it's cocked not crossed COCKED i'm very self consious about it so i always keep my head down i'm supossed to get surgery but they said there's a chance i might become blind so i'm like screw that i'd rather my cock-eyed i mean at least i can freakin' see! well that's it for tonight おやすみなさい~!(good night~!)


good morning peasants~! i'am feeling very irritated latley i have something on my mind and i want to say it but the problem is i don't know what it is! i just can't put my finger on it.... anyway it's almost time to go back to school and i'm really scared to go i have like absolutely zero social skills especially around boys i can't really help that one my whole life i've been told to stay away from them so everytime a boy even comes near me i like plaster myself against the locker and they give me his weird look like WTF?! and then theres the big huge problem of gym i can't run to save my life... literally... i never told anyone this but one time i was walking home from school and this huge german shepard decided to run away from it's owner and i saw the dog running straight towards me so i got scared and started running the owner was behind me yelling don't run of course i can't hear him there is a huge animal running at me so as everyone whose met should know i cant run for shit so i'm running but i barley got anywhere before i started running out of breath so yeah i hate running and anything remotley work related... in my head i'm freakin' yousin bolt at heart i just choose to be really lazy... also this morning i started a jdrama called seigi no mikata i love it because i can relate to the younger sister (ganbate~! youko chan~!) well yeah i completely recommened it go watch it~! well bye bye~!


こんばんわ!peasants I'm hereby announcing my life is completely awesome we'll except for this morning I had a horrible nightmare I woke up early and cleaned the kitchen as a stress reliever. Anyway I've been thinking about what I'm gonna be when I grow up I have a lot of choices and all of them seem amazing but I have to choose one for a long time my dream was to be a vet like I had my heart completely into it then I started getting into art and I was like I'm gonna be an artist and then I found out I suck at art so I quit then came writing which I do a lot more of now than back then.i also want to be a fashion designer which I'm really good at but then I thought I suck at sewing I also want to do voice acting for anime which I will absolutely do but everyone I know thinks its dumb. Now I have my heart completely set on becoming a pastry chef and making people happy through awesome cakes made by me. So now in just stuck between a vet,fashion designer,author,voice actor or pastry chef