Fall DX


After school was done I was walking back home when I heard some people.

'Should I go and look?' I wondered to myself and started to creep around and pretend I was some kind of spy...

Scrabbling over the wall I looked around it and noticed that it was just some people from my school I think.

I stood there for awhile just watching all of them. I didn't really get why that kid was so surprised... I mean... He was like them too....

Shaking my head I noticed others talking, but I couldn't hear any of them..

Making a face I wanted to know what they were saying but I didn't want to be seen. Finally an idea came to mind. I half jumped and half scrambled up the tree to get a better look.

Concentrating I made my little rat ears pop out along with a rat tail. My ears twitched as I started to listen in on their conversation.

I was so caught up in it that when someone screamed it startled me that I feel out of it.


"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk!" I screamed and tried to regain my footing but failed and fell, landing straight on my face.

"Owie..." I muttered and got up and looked around at all of them who were staring at me.


>< Sorry I haven't posted in awhile...
