Kokoro's profile/application

I asked Dei if I could edit Koko's profile since I made her so sueish before kinda.

Name: Kokoro Kisaragi

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Raven biju

Tails: 0

Type: lightning and summoning

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Red

Personality: Gentle, calm, a tad spacey every now and then, not really energetic/usually tired, tends to be grumpy during the afternoon and rainy days. When actually is serious situations, she acts like a yandere.

Likes: Visual kei, horror media, naps, green tea, heterochromia, and traveling

Dislikes: *stares at you*

Attacks and Jutsus: Kuchiyose no jutsu, Raigeki no Yoroi, Shinku muso, munen muso

* Raijuu-boyfriend/roommate
* Kyuubi-Sensei(Helps her improve her ninjutsu)

Friends/aqquaintences: Suki, Shukaku, Chiyoko, Yuri, Dutch, Kayo, ect.

Weapon: She's pretty clumsy sometimes so handling weapons is a task you probably wouldn't want to give her unless it's with senbon but she barely uses them so yeah

Favorite song: Sorry Sorry by Super Junior

Sayings: "Ara ara." (My My)

Looks: Looks normal, doesn't stand out that much

History: A smartass that had nothing tragic really in her past. Just born with a mother, father, and a younger sister. She gave up on being the heirness to her clan so she could live a more relaxing life, So now her energetic sister Yuyu is busy training to be the heir. Lightning and wind types are her fortes in jutsu although not quite extremely powerful. High level of genjutsu. Average level of taijutsu. Low level of ninjutsu. Extremely low tolerance for pain. Her intelligence quotient is very high so that makes up for some things and is mostly a long distance fighter.

Habits and Disabilities: Habits- refers to herself as 'Boku'(Masculine) than as 'atashi'(feminine)
Disabilities- Has low stamina, which could explain why she's so lazy and sleeps so much. Something's eating away at her...now what could it be?
