A new beautiful love

This Beautiful love,
Which making me touch the skies,
A new beautiful love that is close to me more then ever.

I love your smile and your joking around person,
I love your look even thought it's not the most perfect thing on earth,
I love the color of your eyes even if you'll think they're boring,
I love your voice no matter what people say about it,
I love your honestly because I know I can trust ♥
I love your test in music, even if I don't know it all ♫
I love that you're bisexual, not only because I'm also one ♂♀
I love all of you and I think you're perfect just like you're

My little Lady Gaga fan ♥♥
This song meant to you ♥
You gave my life a meaning and a full life,
You gave my heart rest from the nightmares and think about you,
My heart is full thanks to you.
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