I'm sober I swear!


All I remember is turning to see a butterfly girl running off to another alley, free and clear shortly followed by a few loud popping noise. My world went cold and black after that.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"Why do I feel like I am moving?
I'm not in water.
Or am I?
Floating in water never felt like this before."

"Oh gosh I'm dead!" I shouted as I woke up shift my weight a bit before feeling pavement on my side.

I laid there for a moment as I moaned out a sheering load of pain that was from more then just hitting the pavement.

"Come on man! Did you have to mess up my feathers?" I hear a voice say with some anger.

Still sort of out of it I was not quiet able to reply to the voice. I just laid there on the cool pavement motionless still trying to come too.

"Whatss gooing on?" I mumbled before continuing to ramble. "Ohs shis fells nice and cooools on mi facs."

I started to turn my head a bit as I gain more control over my body. "Ohs a tree! I like treesss. Theys comfy ow lean up againssts." I continued to rambled as I began to crawl to the near by tree.

I felt a person touch me, along with some feathers, which I thought was weird. "Why would a person help someone while rubbing feathers on them. So strange." I thought to my self before slightly flailing as they tried to help.

"I gots tihs. Noo!" I moaned out a stopped flailing and started to climb over the curb.

"Find whatever you say buddy." The voice replied.

I heard them step back a little bit as I finally made it to the tree, leaning myself up against it.

My eye sight was finally clearing up and staying allowing my to finally see who was the voice, other then the one in my head.

"Who are you? And are you covered in feather?" I asked now with my speech more coherent and non-slurred. The other guy who was indeed covered in feather grin a bit before replying.

"My name is Liber and yes I cam covered in feather. I am an owl hybrid." Liber said to me.

"Well that is cooler then me. You can fly. I am just a turtle." I replied a bit. "I am not complaining. I enjoy being a turtle." I finished with a smile on my face.

"Well time for me to get going and find myself some water." I said out load but mostly for myself before starting to get myself to stand up.

"You should take it easy man. You were just out cold for a while." Liber said as he came over to help me.

"I shall be fine but water is more of a concern for me now anyway. Also, name is Tarus." I answered as I grabbed his hand and the tree to stand.

"I can get you some water if you like." He answered unknowing that I need water to lay in.

With a slight chuckle and a smile I turned to face him after I got my self standing facing the tree. "You wouldn't be able to carry that much water."

Starting to walk and stubble a bit from side to side. "I am not just a turtle, but a sea turtle. And I have been out of water a bit to long and need to recover." I answered as I stumbled my way down the grass eventually into a light post.

"I will be fine! You probably have more important things to do then wander around with a turtle." I replied with a smile still a little out of it as I pushed myself off the light post and started on my way again. I stumbled left and right down the grass off to some where unsure to me.

I hear a noise behind me and when I stumblly turned around I didn't see Liber anymore. "Bye bye birdy!" I replied with a slight wave of my hand bending up and down at the wrist.

I continued my wanders along the way slowly reducing my stumbling and swaying across the streets as I walked. Trying to convince myself that I was sober and whatnot. Eventually my wanders let me to a small group of people running away from a large truck with flashing lights.

Deciding to follow them hoping they could tell me where I could find some water. They disappeared around a corner but saw a grate that was missed aligned and made my way through making sure to place the grate correctly.

I followed the echo of their voices and footsteps through the underground piping system until I came to a door.

After pounding on the door, "I am looking for someone that could possible help me." I answered before waiting for a response.


Used: Tarus, Liber, rescued group from start

Well I apologize for leaving Liber but I figured he would want to go find John and get an explanation from him about why he left.

Hope everyone enjoyed the read.
