
Name: Johnathan Williams

Nickname (if one): John

Age: 19

Eye color: Ice Blue

Hair color/ style: Orange medium-long where the hair stops just past collar bone and is spiky with bangs.

Animal hybrid and attributes: Orange Cat ears and a matching cat tail

Cloth style: He was brought up to wear fairly tight clothes so that’s what he’s use to. Though he’s always happy when he get’s to wear baggy cargo jeans and a button up shirt when he can.

Personality: Fairly sarcastic and protective of his little sister. He get’s away with pretty much everything that he does in the house. His owners think that he is the sweetest kitty that they’ve ever had. He personally tolerates them and has an excellent fake smile and happy go lucky personality around his owners.

Owned/Rebel/ Alpha: Owned and a hidden rebel

Any other info: His little sister, who’s not his real sister is Ava. She’s a small girl who is a butterfly hybrid. He’s always been protective of her since the day his owners brought her home.
