So,this is my 2nd world.Anyone can view this,and just share your opinion on things.This is a world for The Tales Of Series,so it would be cool to meet people on The O who plays it. ^O^

Tales Of Vesperia (Dear God,I want this so bad!!!)

I wanted to get this ame so bad,but my stupid Xbox broke down a few weeks before. -_-

Tales Of Symphonia:Dawn of the New world :3

This isn't officially out,but it's gonna rock!!!
You can tell.It's a Tales game. ^^

Tales Of Symphonia Opening

Well,this game right here is my first Tales game before I fell in love with the series.A shame I didn't get a chance to play the oldies. -_-
Anyways,before I get off topic,this is the opening for Tales of Symphonia. :3

Tales Of Abyss Opening

Righteo,then.I really don't know how to post multiple vid(or if you even can)so if you do know how,any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tales of Abyss is my favorite Tales game.The story was riveting. ^^
Plus the opening really got me attention.I likey guitars alot. :3
