Meme: 11 questions (yeah, me too XD)

1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their usernames on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

Tagged by SakuraDust!

OK, 11 things:
1. I haven't read a book all summer *headdesks*
2. I've bought two new Stephen King books recently *trying to fight the addiction*
3. My mom bought a flower pot and put it on the windowsill. I'm permanently afraid of it falling down on someone's head.
4. I read at least one manga a day (usually yaoi).
5. My yaoi manga collection is 9.16 GB.
6. I love Game of Thrones.
7. I lurk on Reddit a lot.
8. I'm a tagging addict over at MT *_*
9. I suffer from chronic bitchface: no matter how happy I am, my default expression is "I hate humans, stay away from me or I'll jab this pencil into your ear canal".
10. In my 10-generation Sims 3 legacy, 3 of the couples are gay.
11. My normal responses to stuff are "Fuck that shit!" (as in, "Naw, forget it! XD"), "No shit" (sarcasm) and "Ffffuuuu". Seriously. In English.

1. Be honest now, how much would you last in a zombie apocalypse?
Probably a few hours? If I lived more I'd be extremely lucky XD

2. Are you still waiting for the perfect one to deeply fall for you despite your flaws, or you're having a more realistic approach on love?
External Image Still waiting. Haven't fallen in lover for real yet, all the guys I've met are more like friends than people I'd like to be intimate with (yes, I know the whole "not just a lover but also a friend" thing).

3. If you were to replace an aspect of yours (personality or looks), what would that be?
Fat percentage D: Way too high. I'm working on it!

4. If you were to live in anime as the character you imagined yourself to be in that universe what anime would it be? Give a idea or more about your character too.
Hmm, I don't think I'd like to live in an anime universe... I'm content with having my own made-up world(s), still trying to piece everything together ^^" (I know, lame answer, but I'm really behind on anime and of those I've seen, none sounds tempting XD)

5. Do you accept fliers?
Most of the time, if I'm feeling neutral-to-good and especially if they're given out by young people. That's because the young ones are usually students and it's their job to do that, they don't try to corner you into doing whatever they're advertising. Old people, on the other hand...

6. Ever been to one of those parties where people pass out and revive just to drink more?
Nope. Out of my friends, I'm the one who drinks the most. And I don't drink often :

7. How much can a slice of cake stay in your fridge till you eat it?
Depends. If I ate cake before that slice remained, I may get sick and it may as well lie there for days. But I'd say 1-2 days max. Until it's completely gone, that is.

8. Do you like big, sophisticated guns or prefer something more practical?
I've always liked sais more than guns/regular knives. With my skills, they'd probably end up less than useful in a fight though ^^"

9. Can you swim?
Yup. Not like a pro, but at least enough to keep myself from sinking to the bottom.

10. What's your least favorite school subject & why?
Public Relations. Disregard the fact that the college has that as a name. The professor's a DEMON. And I'll meet her again this year for even more classes *weeps*

11. Ever been into a serious fight? (with punching, scratching, hair pulling)
Nope, just slapped someone with all my heart once.

I don't have 11 people to tag *sadface* External Image
I GIVE THE POWER TO: MikuBerry, Angel Zakuro, Dytah Dorojin, SaxGirl, ThousandShadowsMP, icebox270534, Blue Latte, Ritona Raito, Hulaberry32, Timcanpy14 and, obviously, whoever else wants to do this =3=

1. What's one goal you want to achieve this month?
2. Would you go see a movie you really don't want to, just because a friend recommended it? (no downloading, you pay!)
3. What are you most likely to say during the course of a day?
4. What subject would you get in a heated debate over?
5. If your favorite band/singer invited you onstage to sing with them, would you do it?
6. What's the question you hate most in quizzes?
7. If you could change one thing about TheO, what would you change?
8. What's your favorite game? (can be anything)
9. When you played pretend as a kid, who/what did you most often pretend to be?
10. Have you ever sent chain mail to other people?
11. Is trolling satisfactory?
