Kitty problems...

Mood: External Image (kind of sad)
Watching: the news, on TV

Hello, dear friends, and thank you for the visits and comments, I want you to know that I appreciate everything you do for me; sometimes I feel like I don't deserve the attention, but I'll never stop trying to be active for the sake of my online friends! *hugs*

The reason for my lack of updates since the last post was Pixie, my kitty. She had been feeling down a while ago, barely eating and lying on the balcony all day long. After a few days I took her to the vet and he said she had lost a lot of weight and that there's a high possibility she might have renal failure. Well, he tried to get a blood sample, but the blood wasn't diluted enough and he had to resort to perfusions for three days, then she started eating normally. Now I have to feed her special cat food, and not the usual stuff she used to eat; she's only allowed that food, not chicken, fish or anything else.

Yesterday I noticed Pixie started breathing heavily, as if her lungs were too small to provide all the air her body needed (if you can imagine a sound like that), so I took her to the vet again. This time, he said there might be some liquid in her lungs, so he gave her 4 shots and now she seems to be feeling better - she still wheezes when she breathes, but it isn't as bad as before. I'll have to go again tomorrow, and then we'll begin a whole new treatment. Now she can meow a little, but before she couldn't meow or purr - every time she opened her mouth, no sound would come out, which is deeply disturbing for me T_T

Anyway, I'm happy Pixie started playing around again, and followed me around the house all day ^-^ I'm lucky because the vet is a nice person and also the one Mary (one of my best friends) takes her cat to - she adopted one last summer, a really crazy cat! Soo, I guess I'm going to be somewhat inactive for a few days, until Pixie will feel better. The vet said she was thin as a supermodel! XD I agree with him, but she's always been thin, even though we do give her food whenever we eat, and she always has food in the kitchen. Oh, by the way, she's 9 years old and weighs 2.4 kilograms, but I'm sure she'll fatten up a bit since she got her appetite back ^_^

Well, I think that's enough complaining for one post, right? I'm positive that she'll feel better tomorrow, the vet knows what he's doing and I trust him. Aand, I made more avatars - it's really relaxing to work when Pixie's on the bed, next to me <3
Other news: Mary got an iPhone which has Sims 3 on it, and after playing it together for a few hours I'm hooked <3 Her character is a Maniac, one of whose wishes is to watch at least 3 people sleep XD

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(Art by Green Glass, Nana, The Little Mermaid)
