Celebrity Chat With Kyle Hebert: Extra

Butterflykiss: omg XDD
Pleiades Rising: Ever wanted to punch someone back into a state of SELF-CONFIDENCE, Kamina style?
Heartstop: omnia1: xD episodes not related to story
Butterflykiss: yeah
littlepooch: Dude the Bleach fillers are annoying right now.
Gainax: A filler arc is a non canon adaptation not in the manga.
Support KIRA: Imma go now. GREAT WORK KYLE! KEEP IT UP! *waves and poofs*
Kyle Hebert: omnia, filler is when the show goes away from the main story and focuses on little unrelated plot lines. they're often boring as sin. lol
inufluffy12: Oh hey, have you ever gone and watched an abridged series just to see what your character has been made into?
Butterflykiss: i like them but i wanna see Ichigo fight (i dont know how to spell his name) XD
Adam: support kira you should change your name to support kiba
Kyle Hebert: actually no, inu. but i have seen some of TFS's stuff. hilarious.
omnia1: ahhhh I see
Gainax: Kyle: I wonder if other voice actors find them as boring. :o
Dark Flame 3479: I think in the Q&A you mentioned someone at Gamestop recognizing you, are you a gamer? Been playing any Skyrim? XD
Variance: Never Adam!
Support KIRA: Nooooo Adam!
omnia1: so... not worth the light of day then? lol
Heartstop: lol
Kyle Hebert: yes, gainax. yes they do
Support KIRA: I'll lose my name!
inufluffy12: Maybe that's a good thing XD
Gainax: XD
Support KIRA: D: *is Kira*
Butterflykiss: but i wouldn't be supoorted QAQ
Heartstop: man I want to see aizen evil laugh xD
Variance huggles KIRA
Support KIRA: *huggles back*
Variance: youre de chica
willotaku: wait, Butterflykiss' name is Kira
Butterflykiss: ...
LindseyW2697: Slow Will is slow.
Heartstop: xD this is Skira
Butterflykiss: your kidding right?
Heartstop: that is kira
LindseyW2697: Very sloe. XD
willotaku: two Kiras
Heartstop: =w= its a diff
Butterflykiss: i've told you that HOW long ago brother?! XD
LindseyW2697: *Slow
Kyle Hebert: Aizen never laughs evily. He chuckles.
Shom: Anyways thanks so much for doing this Kyle. You're awesome. Cya people.
Variance: and smirks
LindseyW2697: ?_?
Kyle Hebert: totes mcgoats
Heartstop: awww
omnia1: I recon Aizen has a much bigger plot then just becoming God, He must want to do something while he's up there to change something
Heartstop: Kyle Hebert: did u ever practice it tho ? xD
Support KIRA: <3 lolol I really have to goooo *wants to stay* Bai gais
Heartstop: I would love going mwhahaha in the mirror xD
Kyle Hebert: yes, omnia, he wants to make it all into a disco
omnia1: lmao XD
Variance: lol
Heartstop: xD omnia don't spoiler me
Butterflykiss: hahaha
Kyle Hebert: or a Taco Aizen.
inufluffy12: -_- There are more people in chat then there are people chatting
omnia1: I'm invited if thats the caswe
omnia1: case
Hana Ishida: Lol xDD
Kei: Much better.
Heartstop: TwT i am still on ichigo vs grimjow
littlepooch: I've always wondered, do you think Aizen is good or bad?
Butterflykiss: that'd be so awesome!
SunfallE lolol, Kei
omnia1: and if not imma gate crashing :P
Kyle Hebert: Aizen is selfish ;D
RedJ: lawl
Heartstop: xD
Kyle Hebert: AND A PIMP
SunfallE They'll keep you here for hours if you let them Kyle. lol
Butterflykiss: XDDD
littlepooch: Hemm, yeah I agree on that
RedJ: :p
Variance: Aizen is awesome!
Gainax: I came on chat just to be a stalker. 8Y
willotaku: Kyle, what's the funniest outtake you've done while voice acting?
firezero6408: yes we will
Immortal Queen: inu :O
Variance: Dee!
Immortal Queen: izeh mah man
inufluffy12: :D *ties Kyle down* He shall never leave Muhahaha
Variance iz dah man
SunfallE I'm going to keep private messaging of while you are here though or you'll get bombarded like mad. lol
omnia1: Aizen is selfish, awesome and very very ..... nice:P
Immortal Queen: reese cup forceful buying evil man ;3;
inufluffy12: DEE!
Kyle Hebert: Great Saiyaman: The script actually said "Hey I'm a superhero, not a gynecologist" after Videl wrapped her legs around his head. Seriously!
omnia1: putting it politely :P
Swagger: O_O
Immortal Queen hugs the life out of inu ?
Variance: Aizen is misunderstood
Gainax: LOL
Variance: >>
Immortal Queen: beth
Heartstop: xD
Kyle Hebert: Aizen is dead sexy
Heartstop: aizen is evil with awesome hair
Heartstop shot
Kyle Hebert: and loves the ladies
Butterflykiss: he is |D
SunfallE hmm?
Variance: yes
Heartstop: xD
RedJ: ...in a miniskirt?
RedJ shot
omnia1: Aizen is very misunderstood
Kyle Hebert: and his voice melts girls into butter
Kei: Anise, no.
Variance: ty omnia
littlepooch: Variance: *high fives* Someone who thinks the same way as meee!
Butterflykiss: HAHAH!inufluffy12: RedJ:
RedJ: :3
Heartstop: xD so true
omnia1: I recon he uses his pain and makes it his power
Kei: Travis will swoop in there out of nowhere.
Butterflykiss high 5s redJ
omnia1: if that makes sence?
RedJ: XD
TheDarkEclipse: I have a question about myself(Sorry if I sound so selfish)
Immortal Queen: SunfallE: iz made me buy white chocolate reese in a dream i had Q.Q lmao
Variance: behind the superman curl...aizen is a gentle guy
Miracle Star19: :p
Gainax had a blonde moment and forgot who Aizen was for a while... OTL
Okitaru: hi there o3o
Immortal Queen: inufluffy12: i know right D: you disappeared off the face of the earth
omnia1: yup
omnia1 nods
omnia1: OMG STOCKU
omnia1: FAIL
Gainax: WUT
willotaku was laughing too hard there for a moment
omnia1: lol
omnia1: XD
inufluffy12: ;A; I know! Cause I'm ninja like that :D
Gainax: STFU >;C
LindseyW2697: o^o;;;
Butterflykiss is too XD
littlepooch: I agree. I'm like Momo and still waiting for Aizen to go back to normal ;3;
omnia1: you have just been burned by me lol :P
Immortal Queen: inufluffy12: XD
omnia1: XD
Gainax: Nia: Not really 8Y
omnia1: no
Immortal Queen: inufluffy12: you should talk to me moar lady
omnia1: not really
Heartstop: lol kyle u played karlos in DHW?
omnia1: im just to bloomin nice :P
inufluffy12: :O
Kyle Hebert: what's dhw?
omnia1: XD
Variance: Its just one day he forgot to take his meds...Gin told him it was a good idea
omnia1: lmao
Heartstop: desperate house wives =w=
Gainax: Nia: No, you're downright evil. oAo
omnia1: XD
Kyle Hebert: oh wait, Carlos in Desperate Housewives the game, yep, that was me.
Heartstop: Just noticed list xD
Gainax SHOT
omnia1: shhhhh
omnia1: don't tell everyone
omnia1 shot
Gainax: Oops.
Heartstop: xD Hahaha
littlepooch: Nuuu baka Gin.... *offers Aizen his meds*
omnia1 roles eyes
omnia1: XD
TheDarkEclipse: I have a question about myself:(Sorry if I sound so selfish) I have my VERY OWN ORIGINAL ideas for "Anime" and I have been DYING to know how I can submit them to a major animation comp. I am sure you know how...So how?
omnia1: gawd I miss chat
Gainax: Wait, there's a Desperate Hhousewives game.
inufluffy12: Oh yes, I wonder that too!
omnia1: sorry soppy moment
Gainax dies at it
Variance: then come back
littlepooch: Really?
firezero6408: Kyle Hebert: what is your fav anime of all time?
Heartstop: Gainax: my exact reaction
Kyle Hebert: industry just doesn't work that way, dark.
omnia1 looks down
Gainax: Hearty: XD
Butterflykiss: Kyle, i'm sorry for asking another question but do people ever walk up to you and freak out?
Kyle Hebert: probably cowboy bebop, firezero
Heartstop: Gainax: xD
NeKo MoonShine: Nice
Kyle Hebert: no, buttefly. voice actors are known for their voices, not their looks ;D
omnia1: I would really love to... but...
Heartstop: probably a slap fight between the wives
Butterflykiss: ok XD
Heartstop shot
supaaspike: Have you ever seen the series Now and Then, Here and There? It's a wonderful series that got stuck with a really awful dub, and I believe it's been out-of-print for a little while. I would love to see FUNimation do it proper justice.
Swagger: Ugh...you were that creepy guy from Persona 4
Kyle Hebert: nope, supaa. never heard of it
Variance: but? Just come back
Gainax: Lolololol
Butterflykiss: by the way you can just call me Kira it's easier XD
firezero6408: Kyle Hebert: sweet
Kyle Hebert: yep, swagger. don't hate me. i needed the work.
Swagger: XD