Out Cast ( Chapter 1 Trifling Brithday)

My 10th birthday came fast, but still like the others it suck big time.
“Yay!….no one came again!”
I feel no emotion when I told mom as she was in the kitchen cooking diner.
“I’m going to the store be back soon!”
I yell at my mom as I closed the gate behind me. I can hear my mother yell back at me as I walked by the cars out the other gate, leaning to the road.
“Be careful!”
Like she always tells me. As I turned to see if she was standing in the doorway like usual to make sure nothing happens to me, but the doorway was empty then I saw out of the corner of my eye a shadow right above the door, the attic window.
“Is someone in there?”
I heard myself whisper as I took a step back to the house. Then my black rose watch went off making me jump almost losing my heart, I put my hand on my chest taking a deep breath and then letting it out, then I look at the watch it says 6:40 pm. I take a look at the attic window but the shadow was gone!
“Oh well!”
I thought to myself as I started to run down the street. When I hit the corner, I’d decided, I was too tired to run the whole way. I turned the corner walking looking at my watch and had about 20 minutes.
“I can make it”
I thought to myself. As, I continued to walk, getting closer to the small store, I noticed my light was dieing. I looked at the West Mountains seeing the sun sitting then my watch it saying 7:00pm. I didn’t walk much farther until; I hit the parking lot of the small store.
